Introversion Vs. Autism

“Oh my gosh, he looks just like you!”

First day of school, first bus ride of the year, first time meeting new bus driver.  First sentiments of new bus driver.

It’s true.  Declan is my miniature me in appearance.

We share another thing in common.  We have problems in social situations.

When Declan was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and I began to read about ASD, I saw that Declan was going to have problems in social situations, may have a hard time relating to others and may only have a few friends, I thought one thing:

“What’s wrong with that?”

I sometimes feel like a social misfit.  I can take a perfectly normal social interaction and make it awkward and uncomfortable.  At least if not for everybody else, then for me.  I have good intentions but seem to say the wrong thing more often than not.  I avoid social contact.  And I only keep a couple close friends.

To put it another way – my favorite things to do include long distance running, reading and writing.  Hello alone time.

So, it got me thinking.  I am an Introvert to the core.  I am totally cool with this.  But I do not have autism.  Right?  Right.  Here’s why…

Introversion vs. Autism

There is a lot of research being done and professionals stating that introversion is on the autism spectrum.  I think things might be going a bit too far.  Here’s why.

To get an Autism Spectrum Disorder you must meet 2 main characteristics.

1.       Persistent deficits in social communication and social interaction across multiple contexts

2.      Restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or activities

There is a lot of information that follows these 2 basic criteria, but to focus on the basic criteria.

Yes, one might say, that an introvert has deficits in social communication and interaction.  But social issues are only part of the autism picture.  On top of that – does that mean that all people with autism are introverts because they also have problems with social interactions?  Here is where I think these assumptions are wrong:


Declan –  is teaching me?  Yes – he is teaching me social contact is cool!  Declan enjoys other people.  He seeks out interactions.  He wants to play with others.  If anything, he is more of an extrovert that has a harder time learning the social rules.  But he wants to interact!

Me –  sometimes.  Not really.

Declan – has numerous sensory issues.  Issues with food, clothes.  He is CONSTANTLY sensory seeking – if not to squeeze something squishy, bounce on something bouncy then to chewy on something chewy or watch colorful TV.

Me?  I hate loud sounds and sudden movements.  Who doesn’t?

Declan lost his speech.  We all worked really hard to get speech back, and it is here.  He exhibits echolalia – repetition in speech.

Me?  No speech issues.  Sometimes I curse, I guess, and that’s bad.  No other speech issues.

Declan has a lot of intense fixations. His love for Spiderman is intense and deep.

Me?  I love running.  I can still sleep if I miss a run.

Declan is not an introvert.  He is trying so hard to communicate and socially interact.  He just doesn’t have all the skills.

Yes, he will eventually make eye contact with you.   He may hug you or hold your hand.  But he may hit you if you disagree with him.  He might say “Hi!” an inch from your face.  But he is learning.  He is trying.

I am an introvert.  I rarely seek out social interaction.  And I only keep a couple of close friends that I feel safe with.

Introversion is not autism.  People with autism are not always introverted.  They are just two separate things.





21 thoughts on “Introversion Vs. Autism

  1. I totally agree with you on not all autistic children are introverted. Tyson loves almost everyone he comes in contact with. He is by far the happiest child I have ever met with this disability. He does have separation anxiety as he isn’t around many people, so when we drop him off to nursery at church, there must be a person he knows and is comfortable with, but he is funny and outgoing in his own way.

    1. Thank you for this post. My 14 year old son just asked me if he was autistic! So I let him do a quick online test which didn’t prove anything. Then I had him do a quick “Introvert” test … where he answered yes to 30 out of 30 questions. So I started searching for links & found your article which completely makes sense to me!!

  2. This is very interesting. I was on a very condensed on day course and the lady talked about social interaction. She worked in a school and often took some of the teenagers out. Giving them prompts/tips on spacial awareness and off bound topics. It must be so hard for them when they try, but can’t read the signals. I’ll admit she did have funny stories as examples. Declan sounds great. My son loves Disney infinity and they’re stopping it!

    1. The talk sounds like it would’ve been fun to listen to – for us there is definitely a lot of coaching from the sidelines, and sometimes getting in the mix to show Declan what to say or do (and what not to do). Thankfully he’s young, so we are talking about playing with others we meet at a playground kind of thing. Thank you! Yes, I heard about Infinity – Looks like I will be buying a lot of used stuff online soon!

  3. We guessed my granddaughter was when she was 3 or 4, but couldn’t get a professional diagnosis in England until she was 10. In the years she has got more introverted. I haven’t Skyped with her in almost a month. So sad.

  4. I loved this post!
    As a hyper sensitive introvert I’ve definitely wondered if I lack social skills or whatnot before.
    Thanks for sharing…

    1. Thank you! I can totally relate – I even wrote another post called “You’re too sensitive…” because I am sensitive – to other people and my surroundings. And it definitely effects my socializing skills (or lack thereof 🙂 )

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