“Let (ALL) the children come to me…”

“My name is Declan.  I am six years old.”

Declan stood before us, facing his Sunday School teacher in his new classroom.

“Hello, Declan!”  replied the teacher.

With his serious look, Declan continued, “I am six years old.  Five plus one is six.  I am six years old.”

Declan was welcomed in the classroom and shown to a chair to color.  Having called ahead and discussed Declan with the teacher and any needs he may require, my husband and I signed him in to the classroom and left.

“Goodbye, Declan,” I called, “See you in one hour.”

Declan looked up from the sheet he was coloring.

“Okay.  Goodbye.”

Having already located the classrooms for Bobby and Catelyn, my husband and I rushed through the church and located where the service was to be held.  We found empty chairs and settled into our seats.

“Oh my gosh, guess what?” My husband whispered.


“This is our first time without kids since…. well, I don’t remember when!”

“I guess it’s a date,” I said with a smile and added, “a quiet one.”

My husband smiled, and the music began.

We were at our first church outing in years.  Well, in the past few years we were that family that visited a church for holidays only.  We were that family that sat in the back row, trying our best to go unnoticed.  My husband and I would rotate taking Declan into the halls to walk around.

Now it was just the two of us, and the service began to unfold.  Announcements were made, songs were sung, scripture read.  And as the service was dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the church’s preschool, the teacher spoke.

She showed this picture and said the following:

“I love this picture.  It is a picture of Jesus with the children.  What is not pictured are the parents that put their children there.  Parents that felt it was important for their children to have a relationship with Jesus.  Also not pictured, is the community surrounding these parents.  The community that supported the parents and helped the parents to connect their children with Christ.”



As she said these words, I thought about how relevant these words were to our life.

I was raised a Christian.  I went to church, Sunday School.  I went to Vacation Bible schools.  I went to Catholic school.  There was never a time in my life that Jesus was not a part of.

I realize as a parent, that my parents surrounded me with Christ.  My Christianity was ingrained in me.  I have never doubted Christ.

When I left my parents’ home and became an adult, I realized how important my faith was to me.  As I faced adult issues and problems I could fall back on my faith.  I could read the bible, say a prayer – and even if I was REALLY MAD at Jesus, I knew that he was still with me and loved me.  I am never alone.

When I had kids, I wanted the same thing for them.  I wanted them to have the same comfort in their faith that I had found.  So, when times were tough, they always knew they were never alone.

I took them to church.  I put them in Sunday School.  The only preschool I was able to pick was that for Catelyn, and I put her into a Christian preschool.  I wanted Jesus to surround my kids.

Three years ago, the church we attended, the church we volunteered at – the church we were MEMBERS at – closed its doors to our family.  We were told they could not care for Declan, even with a one on one aid.  He was too fast.  And he hurt another child.  They no longer had teachers for a special needs room.  They could not accommodate him.  We were welcome to go to their church, we just were not welcome to bring Declan.

I don’t need to tell you how much that hurt.

I wanted Declan, my son with autism, to have a relationship with Jesus, just like my other kids.  Jesus didn’t say he only wanted a relationship with the neurotypical children – he wants a relationship with ALL the children.

I knew how hard it was to watch Declan.  Believe me I knew.  I knew how fast he was.  I just thought church would be different.  I thought they could help make it work for our family.

THAT church couldn’t.  And it took three years for us to try again.

We did have friends and family during this time that recommended churches.  Churches that were willing and able to work with Declan.  I guess my husband and I just weren’t ready to face the possibility of that kind of rejection and hurt again.

Until Sunday.  Another friend of my husbands recommended their church to us.  Knowing our story, his wife called ahead to ensure that Declan could be supported.  And our family walked the threshold of another church and were welcomed.  ALL FIVE OF US.

I am thankful for my husband’s friend and his wife for helping us attend their church.  They are a part of that community that the teacher spoke of.  The community that supports parents in helping their children have a relationship with Jesus.  ALL of the children.

The kids enjoyed their Sunday School classes.  My husband and I enjoyed the service.  And I am thankful for the support from others to help me provide Jesus and His messages to my children again.

26 thoughts on ““Let (ALL) the children come to me…”

  1. Oh my goodness!! I am so so SO happy for you! I know how hard it was when the other church rejected Declan. (good riddance imo)
    This is so amazingly awesome! I’m dancing again 💃✨🎉💌💌

  2. Wow…To have a church turn their back on you…I can’t imagine such a thing. But I’m glad you’ve found a home.

    That picture you share reminded me of my kids in Sunday school. My oldest started Sunday school at 3. Her aunt was a teacher there (although not in the preschool room) and she would not let me leave. I ended up teaching there until we moved to Florida. It was a fantastic experience.

    1. I am glad too! I was a Sunday School teacher as well in the church that could not accommodate Declan. I agree, it really is a fantastic experience!

  3. Lovely. i am not religious but I would say I am spiritual and a believer in Jesus and his message of love and mercy. I have always liked St. Therese of Lisieux who used to say she was like a little child and had to ask God to help her up to get to him.

    1. I’m with you! I prefer a non-demoninational church – one that focuses on the word given to us in the Bible and not a religion. I like what St. Therese of Lisieux said – I agree!

  4. Churches don’t just exclude kids that are different. Grew up in a church that all they were interested in was your money, not your spiritual life. When I left home for college tried attending the same church in the new city. They did not want college kids. So I attended a college group every Sunday with the disciples of Christ for the first year. Joined a Methodist congregation the next year officially. Ended up taking my boy friend with me. After I graduated we got married at that church the next day. All went well until I ended up having to use a wheelchair. There was no way to get my wheelchair up into the choir loft each Sunday for services. Stopped going to church. I still believe in God, but I pray alone like I used to do.

    1. That makes me really upset. I am sorry you are unable to go to the church you enjoy because they do not have wheelchair accessibility. Thinking of you and saying a prayer for you!

  5. Thank you for liking my post. I pray alone, but don’t know if I believe in the big G. I do believe in the decent bloke called Jesus.


  6. Wow! I almost moved to tears. The bible said the end of a matter is better than the beginning. This is truly a beautiful lesson for us all. I’m so thrilled for you and the new church; and boldness to step out and start again. God bless you 🌷🌷

  7. We go to church most Sundays my faith is important to me. My kids don’t go to the Sunday school and they aren’t forced to. If either of them want to, they are welcomed. Always get a Sunday school gift on Christmas. Children at our church are allowed to be children,running, laughing, playing in the aisles. Our church is one of the very few ones I’ve found that is tolerant of all, and is a real community. They make us feel very welcome and part of a family and they do it effortlessly. I don’t think god and Jesus were all about the sitting stone faced being holier looking than the next person. I think they were about love and joy and acceptance.

  8. Your story is appreciated. So many who want to do the right thing have fear and feel non-equipped. Your message helps resonate that regardless everyone should be welcome. Yes! Jesus welcomes all and He said “suffer” the little children to come to Him. In other words, make a great effort to show His love to others so they’ll know Him. There is no perfect church just like there is no perfect person. We all need to learn from situations like this and love others – and help others. You no doubt are already being blessed at the new church. That’s fantastic!

  9. Hey Robyn!
    I am a full on, in the wool Bible believing Baptist. I have not had any run ins with any church that has a special ministry for special people. Our current church (Paramount Baptist) is the only SBC (Southern Baptist Convention) church in my city with such a special ministry. When I read where you had your problems, it broke my heart. Jesus said “Let the children come to me and do not hinder them”…..

    1. Yes, thank you Kasey! It was really hard. I just couldn’t believe they shut their doors to us – even though I wanted to provide my family with the same foundations in Christ. We are very blessed to have found a new church – the best part is, the kids love it! 🙂

  10. Robyn, so thankful for your post and that you and your family have found a new place to worship! Love your analogy and wise words about and for your relationship with Jesus!! May Declan be able to draw his own picture seated in the lap of Jesus and know Him! You are so right in that the kids will have a solid foundation of faith, and life, to one day build their own houses on. Peace to you and your family, Robyn!!

    1. Thank you, Jeff! Thanks for reading these! Yes, I want the same solid foundation in Christ for my kids, that I was provided. And we had a hiccup there – but am so thankful and grateful for the friends that helped us put our children with Christ in a church again!

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