I’ve concluded the reason I write about my trips to the grocery store so often anymore is because the trips are so disturbing.
I decided to go as soon as the store opened at 7AM.
So did everybody else.
I worked my way through produce and began the center aisles following the now taped arrows down the aisles so all traffic moves in one direction. When I made it to the meat section at the back of the store I saw a line of people across the arrows, blocking the meat. And realized this line at the back of the store was the line to check out at the front of the store. I looked more to my left and saw the line ended back at the produce section where I had started.
So, I got in line. I put items in my cart from my list as I passed them while we inched slowly towards the check out. Two hours later I was home and the groceries were finally unpacked.
I’m stressed out when I am there. My hands have a slight tremor. I sweat. What if I can’t get something we need? What if I forget something? For whatever reason as soon as I enter the store my face becomes the itchiest thing on the planet. And I can’t scratch it!
I don’t like being in the store when people are practically wearing hazmat suits to get picked through groceries. I want to grocery shop the way I have always grocery shopped. Pick up the items I need, stress free.
April 2020 has been a strange month indeed. It’s autism awareness month and I haven’t posted anything about autism awareness. Which feels strange because I write an autism blog.
I first started this blog after writing autism awareness posts and putting them on social media after Declan was diagnosed. Posts about eye contact, echolalia, sensory issues. Declan’s diagnosis came as a surprise to me. I was so autism unaware. When I started understanding what Declan was doing or experiencing, I wanted others to also be autism aware.
At this point, I would say if you know me in any capacity you are aware that autism is a part of our family. You also are very accepting of my family, which I totally love – thank you! So then, what do I have to say about autism awareness or acceptance? The people that are listening already are awesome!
It also didn’t feel right. There is something big going on right now that is taking all of our attention. Our worlds have changed so much. There’s officially no more school for kids in Pennsylvania. No toilet paper. Hour and a half long lines to check out at a grocery store. I’m practically afraid of every other person besides those in my immediate family. This is where my attention is, and I assume, along with everyone else’s!
Then I saw something and it made me stop.

Nailed it!
There’s a pandemic going on that is taking all of our attention. I am overwhelmed by its effects on our family, especially by my trips to the grocery store.
But it is still autism awareness month. And this is a great message, let alone experience, to help spread autism awareness.
A great message, indeed, perfectly showcased; thanks for sharing it.
Thank you so much!
YOU nailed! Well done Robyn!
I have to go out to the store today. I’ve been waiting for the rain to stop but I dont think it’s going to. I hope to get in and out quickly. No lines really at my store. I’ve been lucky so far.
Thank you! Honestly, I think it is how my store is handling it. All carts (self checkout or not) have to filter through one line and get directed to a register where we have to stand behind another yellow line six feet away from the person ahead. And only every other register is open. I’ve thought about going later in the day – but watching the way people pick through items I’ve been concerned that then they would surely be out of the things I need. Or maybe it was because it is Friday? It’s all so crazy right now. Really made me realize how uncomfortable I was outside of my “normal” or “comfort” zone and that picture made me realize what that feeling must be like for an autistic person on any given day. Eye opening!
My daughter said it took an hour and a half to get into a supermarket. They allowed 1 in after 3 came out .
Oh my goodness! This is such a crazy time!
Police are controlling where people exercise, and they can be fined in England.
The shopping experience you described would have me in a complete tizzy. I went shopping last Monday and it was EPIC! Epic in a good sense. As for Autism Awareness I have learned so much from you Robyn. So thank you for enlightening me.
Oh my gosh, Anne – I was definitely in a tizzy! I just want to get in and get out of there but they force you to stand in this mile long line. They filter you through one line that takes forever. Every minute that I stood there felt like one more minute I could get infected. Aggh! I hate it! Thank you so much, Anne! I really appreciate it!
That message nailed it. The shopping side is a nightmare and I can so understand this. Suddenly I am hypersensitive to every scratch of the nose, cough or person too close. I hate having a limited range of items on my shopping list (always the same list) and finding half the items are out of stock. Like you My blog has been a bit autism lite this month. Must change that urgently. Look after yourself.
I can so relate – I am so hypersensitive to the people around me and their proximity. And my word, every single itch on my face. A lot of the items I buy that are dairy free or gluten free are out because someone is using it as a substitute for their regular item. And I thought we were unique in our chicken strips, waffles and ramen but apparently not – STILL all sold out of those items! Take care of you and your son! Trying times! x
It’s the same here our regular purchases have been so infrequently bought by others. But now the are swept up as alternatives. It’s hard for the likes of my Son and Declan to suddenly switch. You and your wonderful family take care as well my friend. We can do this. x
The picture of your little ones nailed it. Everyone’s routine has changed and it is hard. It’s just a brief glimpse into how these changes affect our kiddos with autism who deal with change every day. Hang in there and may your next grocery store visit be a bit easier!
Those aren’t my little ones – I just saw the photo on an autism sight I follow, but yeah – they nailed it! Thank you! You too!
That photo right there nails it. We’re all experiencing what it’s like for children who are so sensitive to changes in routine. Hang in there. I miss the old grocery shopping experience too!
I don’t understand why the lines at the store are long. It’s the same number of people needing food they’ve always needed and they’re supposed to be shopping less frequently. Is it because people aren’t going to restaurants? I need to go to Lowe’s in the morning to buy a replacement garbage disposal (essential, right). It will be my second outing in a mask. Self conscious, embarrassed, worrying about harassment because they are N95 (bought in January). I’m ready for a break.
When I pulled into the parking lot yesterday at 7AM it was the same as if it were Sunday afternoon. PACKED. I just want to get in and get out but they have it set up that there is only one line they filter you through (but takes forever). I was definitely the outcast without a mask on. I would say maybe ten other people in that sea of people were like me – maskless. Although this time there were a lot less gloves. I have noticed we (my family) are spending more at the grocery store and I guess it is because I am feeding five morning, noon and night. I am ready for some kind of change too. I even ran outside the other day after my gym class just to get out.
Now that you mention, I realise I wrote a lot about trips to grocery store too 😂
Haha 🙂 The trips are so upsetting! Good to get it out here 🙂
Great message, nice blog!
Thank you!
Great Post. Personally I’m struggling with not being able to see people’s faces behind the face masks. It’s really bothering me. Communication is facial expressions as well and all I can see is their eyes.
That’s a good point! One of the reasons I hate to talk on the phone – I like to see the people I am talking to because there is so much more to communication that just words.
Amazing piece! ❤❤❤
Thank you so much!
Hi Robyn,
I’m struggling to find your email address on your website. I am writing a book on homeschooling to be published by Hawthorne Press and we are looking for voices of unique parenting experiences for a section on homeschooling through COVID 19. Would you be interested? I love your blog and I find your family really lively and fun to follow. I think your writing would add a lot to the book.
If you’re interested please email me: annadusseau@gmail.com and we’ll take it from there.
Thanks, Anna
Thank you so much! I will be in touch!
I’m quarantined, now; but, back when I was still going to the store, it didn’t matter how early I went, because certain items were getting stocked at certain times. So, I ended up going at ten o’clock because that was when the eggs and dairy arrived. One of the employees is a friend and she’d give me a heads up on items I needed…
I’ve thought about that – maybe calling ahead to see when the items I am looking for will be stocked. Still no ramen or waffle mix. I think I have one week left of each and then I go back for another search.
I had a some odd successes with Walmart and Target online. The idea seems to be if they don’t have it in the store you can get it online. An order of $35 is free shipping. It was odd what I could and couldn’t get online, and of course it wouldn’t work for your chicken strips, but you might have luck with the nonperishable items you want.
I’ve been ordering from Amazon but even they are out of things online. I’ll have to check these other big stores. Good idea!
👀“We only live once”
👀“We only die once, we live everyday”
Which line is you⁉️
We don’t need to argue about these two lines, it’s all opinions!😊
I live everyday and I treasure it!
I get up in the morning and knowing that I’m still breathing, my body can move, my brain is working and all these sound very normal is blessing! I won’t take them for granted!
We’ve come so far and begin to see the light from the other end of the tunnel; we are closer to the end of the pandemic; I just want all of you to know that; we are almost there; stay patient and safe!
When we decide to “Live once”, and thinking of going out is what we want; please also realize that we’re putting our lives at risk! And many of others too!
Be patient! Just few more weeks and we can “Re-start”! I know our lives will never be the same, the world won’t be the same too!
No matter what we’ve been through in the past 1 month+; regardless up or down! It’s time to get ourselves ready for new challenges!
“Getting Ready”
👍🏻Reset your goals and plan what we want to accomplish in the Post-Pandemic Era
👍🏻Take whatever training we need to get to the new goals!
Have a productive week 💙
Thank you! You too!
I can only imagine it would be during these taxing times
Thank you!
Wonderful post that sums up the moment!
Thank you!