Another Medal for the Rack!

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“Wooohooo!  Let’s get it guys!  Look out pothole!  WooooHoooo!  Here comes another hill, who’s ready?  WoooHooo!  Another pot hole on the left – look out – it’s a big one!  WoooooHooooo!”

“Oh my gosh,” I mentally sighed, “I need to get away from the “WoooHooo” pacer guy.  He’s driving me nuts!”

Running, Reading, Writing

That was the name of my other blog.  The one I created to talk about all the things I enjoy but never talked about on my autism blog.

Then I created the blog “Sneakers on Pavement.”  I wrote in that one for a while and then I stopped.

I stopped blogging about my running.  But I still run!

On special days, I bring a running post here.  And today was a special day!

Today I ran the Love Run Half Marathon – and it was another fun experience!

A lot of ups and downs for the run:

1.       The “WoooHooo” pacer guy.  He was the 1:55 pacer.  He was going faster than 1:55 and had a HUGE crowd around him right behind me.  I finally decided to let the group pass at mile 8 so I could get a little mental peace and quiet.  I caught him again at mile 12 and can attest – he was not tired.  He still had a lot of “WoooHooo’s” to give.

2.      The race was CROWDED.  Over 11,000 runners.  The first miles were through the streets of Philadelphia and it was hard to move.  I went through two miles of dodging, jumping, speeding up, slowing down just to maneuver the crowds.  Thankfully it opened once we got out of the city.

3.      Once out of the city we hit pothole land.  So, it was back to the dodging, jumping, speeding up, slowing down to avoid landing in one, which was easier once I ditched the “WoooHooo” pacer guy and his crowd.

4.      There was a back up of runners diving into the water line at mile 7.  The guy behind me tripped and dropped his glass of water all down my back.  When he tried to get out of the back up though, he tripped again and wiped out.  He was able to get back up and continue, thankfully.  I guess I would take the water down the back than the fall.  Poor guy.

5.      My feet hurt.  That is on me.  I have them taped up to protect all the rough edges and boo boos. And I have one cracked toenail I can feel my heartbeat in right now.  But they held up and pulled me through.

6.      Another real food energy day!  I hate the gels and goos.  I go for real food to fuel.  In my last marathon I decided the last minute to up my calories in my food choices and went for almond butter packets.  I felt like a dog trying to get through them.  Ever try to swallow a mouthful of almond butter while running with all your might?  Got the picture?  So today I went for an easy peasy pumpkin seed bar after an hour of running.  Worked great!


7.      My dad comes to all my races.  And thanks to his crafty driving, getting in and out of the city was a piece of cake.  Thanks Dad!

I love race day.  I love the experience, I love to get out and run.

I didn’t beat my Personal Record today, but I am happy with the results!

Screenshot (1)_LII got another medal for my rack and another fun experience!  (And I’m STILL working on pinning my bib on straight😊)

Happy running!


22 thoughts on “Another Medal for the Rack!

  1. I am so pleased. It sounds great. The big races get so full it’s hard to get a pb. The last half I did we had 37000 and I walked for the first mile. I think your time is excellent given the numbers. It’s great that you can occasionally have some ‘me’ time. You have definitely earned it.

        1. That is so kind – thank you so much! You are so strong, always going for the workout – you motivate me! Great job to you!

  2. Well done, Robyn! Congratulations on your Love Run medal – and all those others – Wow! You’re a powerhouse of energy and an inspiration. 🙂

  3. Wow! 1:53 is brisk. Remind me to never go running with you. Was your weather OK. It was like a mini hurricane here with strong gusting winds all day.

    1. Oh no, my everyday runs are never that fast. Something just happens to me on race day to go, go, go. It was okay. There was some wind occasionally and some rain – but it was warm so both felt good.

    1. Ok, I am going to admit it – took me a good minute to figure this one out but I laughed pretty loud when I got it! I’m just a slow one 🙂

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