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“Oh my gosh, LOOK!” I said wide-eyed with my hands open, palms up to the store display in front of me.

Not one to show too much emotion in spite of Mom’s bubbling excitement, Catelyn stopped walking and turned to face the display.


“Look!  They have a whole display of SENSORY TOYS!  RIGHT HERE!  I don’t have to order this stuff online anymore if I don’t want to – cause I can buy them RIGHT HERE!” I exclaimed and fumbled for my phone.

And although I got a curt, “So what,” Catelyn hands began to travel all through the items on display.1540905838298.jpg

Five years ago I didn’t know anything about Sensory Processing Issues.  I didn’t understand Declan’s behavior.  I didn’t know anything about sensory toys.

I learned Declan was sensory seeking.  I learned Catelyn was mostly, sensory avoiding.  I learned that there were activities and toys available that were not only going to help my kids, but would be something they enjoyed playing with.

I found them online and ordered them.  They have helped each of my kids sensory needs and helped them stay focused.  Bobby and Declan carry fidget cubes in their backpacks to use when they please, Catelyn keeps hers in her binder at school to manipulate during learning.  They’ve worked great!

And now they are available right at my local Target.  I am so pleased!  The toys are getting recognized as beneficial and are more prevalent than ever before!  Yay!

Autism Parenting Magazine sent me this infographic about sensory toys and how they help kids with sensory processing issues.  If you click on the infographic you will be taken to the Autism Parenting Magazine blog for more information on the subject.

Check it out!

Best Sensory Toys for Kids with Sensory Processing Issues and Autism



  1. I love the way you always tell a story or add some information to these posts. Then people who can’t see the infographics can also learn something. Glad you found some sensory toys locally 🙂

      1. Now if we could just find somewhere where you can see weighted blankets before you buy them. Of course that’s a more expensive product and a more bulky one to have out on show, but it would be nice to check out the texture and the way the things inside feel before buying one!

          1. I had a weighted blanket made for my ASD boy… he loves it! It really helps him calm down, especially at night. It helps him relax so he is able to fall asleep a bit quicker, and sleeps very soundly. My 19 year old went off to college. Her depression and anxiety kicked into overdrive. We bought her a weighted blanket and she called sobbing happy years, saying it was the best sleep she had gotten since she moved into her dorm. When my son is at school I take his blanket and use it and it helps if my anxiety kicks in. They really do work ladies… just thought you might like to hear from someone who uses them.

          2. Wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing! I agree – they really do help. My son asks for his when I put him to bed. I put his comforter on him and he will say, “And now the heavy one.” I think it is great that he recognizes it’s benefits too!

  2. I’m glad these are more available to you now – always helpful for you to really see what somethng is like before you buy.

    1. I agree – a lot of the items can be pricey and wind up being a total bust. What I liked about the toys I saw – a lot were new to me and they had openings so you could feel their texture. Pretty cool!

    1. When I used to have to sit in trainings for work, some of our regular instructors used to put these toys on the table. I thought it was strange, but I really ended up being a more active listener when my hands were mindlessly kept busy!

    1. Thank you! I agree – I was so lost as well. A sensory diet has helped us so much as well. I’ll check it out!

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