Camp Puppet!

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“Is there anything else that I should know about your child? Please tell me, here.”

Declan and I looked at the application and thought for a moment. Months earlier, when Declan found his favorite puppet YouTuber, Adam Kreutinger, did a virtual puppet camp over the summer, he put his name on the waiting list.

Then, a month before school let out, I got the email.

One brief family discussion later, Declan crossed his fingers to be one of the first lucky sixteen people to register.

We sat filling out the forms online, going through each detail.  Well, I focused on the details. Declan pretty much just squeaked with excitement.

“I think we should tell him about your special autism trait and that puppets are your special interest. We could tell him that you are really focused on everything puppet!”

“Oh, yeah! Let’s tell him that.”

“We can also tell him all your other special traits. You know, that you are a good listener, very caring, great at following directions, and a good friend to others.”


Minutes later, Declan was registered.

The countdown began.  The anticipation and excitement bubbled everywhere!

A couple of weeks before camp began, Declan’s puppet kit arrived in the mail.

Declan was going to make a puppet with his YouTube puppet hero.  He was going to learn how to bring the puppet to life and perform a character.  Then, he and the other puppeteers were going to put on a show.

Declan couldn’t wait. Then the day finally arrived.

An hour before start time Declan logged on to Zoom and waited.

Then the time came! Declan was in puppet class with his favorite YouTube puppet maker!

After watching hours and hours of Adam Kreutinger puppet-making videos I kind of felt like a celebrity was in my house!

But that didn’t stop Declan. I honestly had to leave the room and let Declan be Declan. He was so excited he kept unmuting himself to talk and ask questions. To talk about past episodes. He had a lot of, “Excuse me, I have something to say.”

When I came back into the room I saw the computer screen was filled with fifteen other campers with their hands raised. Everyone wanted to talk with Adam Kreutinger. I even saw one boy pull out a notebook of questions he had thought to write down beforehand.

Even with all the excitement, questions, and comments the class was able to reach their goal for day one.

Here is Declan’s final product! A one-eyed monster with some big goofy teeth!

The rest of the week Declan will learn how to give the puppet character and bring a story to life. By the end of the week, there will be a video of all the puppets putting on a show. Stay tuned! Even I am excited!

But not nearly as excited and happy as one little boy who can talk about nothing else.


15 thoughts on “Camp Puppet!

  1. This is amazing! I love that Declan proactively added himself to the waitlist and how you supported through the application process. I’m so happy he got a spot and got to meet his puppet hero!

    His day 1 work looks great and I hope you share what happens the rest of the week with us! 😊 Have fun, Declan!

    1. I am so happy for him too! There doesn’t seem to be such a huge puppet crowd until you find it. I am happy he was able to find this group! He would love to go to a workshop and make one hands-on, but until we can find something like that I am (and so is he) so happy for this opportunity!

  2. OMG this is totally awesome. Declan must be so excited. One of my bucket-list dream items is to do a running writing retreat with Adharanand Finn. I know how excited I’d be to do that–I’d be bursting with anticipation. I know the youtuber has his own motivations to offer this camp, but when I think about it, all I can think is ‘god, what a nice guy.’

    1. I know! Gosh, I’ve sat and listened to the things Declan has unmuted himself for this week and this guy is definitely a saint filled with loads of patience. But Declan is SO excited to be able to talk with him. The conversation is probably cooler to him than the puppet-making!

  3. How freakin cool is THAT?!!🥳 Very very cool for Declan! He looks like he’s ready to bust out of his skin in excitement in those pictures!

    Great program too. It sounds like there’s some education sneakily disguised as fun… ie creating a story arc.

    I can’t imagine zooming 2 hours a day with 16 excited puppeteers🤪 Good guy!

    1. I agree! This guy is the best! And Declan LOVES everything about it! He’s quite a little chatterbox 🙂 Now,if he could just stay on point. But, whatever – he’s having so much fun. I can’t wait to see the final puppet show!

  4. What an exciting opportunity for Declan!! He was logged in an hour before!! Well that says it all. I can’t wait to hear about the rest of the week.

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