A Little Give and Take

As an introvert, I liked quarantine. But I realized we had to give up a lot of things. Or, did we?

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On COVID-19 and Soccer Tournaments

My area is affected by the coronavirus. If not by the virus itself, the idea of it surrounds me. Read more, here!

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Nature vs. Nurture and Socialization

Being a socially anxious introvert, I have often wondered how much of my personality was passed to my kids, and how much their experiences would shape their socialization patterns. Nature vs nurture – who wins?

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Just a VSCO Girl, Living in a VSCO World

Catelyn has the luxury of social media when it comes to learning the trends of today. But is it a luxury to look like everyone else? Read more, here!

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I Met the Mama Bear Inside

Being an easy going, accepting person I never thought I had a Mama Bear inside. Until I met her. Read more about this, here!

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Public Speaking and Anxiety

Recently, I read an article about the benefits (or lack thereof) requiring all students to take public speaking. Read more about this idea, here!

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The Value of “Me” Time as a Parent

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I Said Yes!

Socializing can cause me great anxiety. Running helps take away my stress and is something I love to do. Could I run a Ragnar?

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Socialization and Autism

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Do Bad Kids Come From Bad Parents?

Do bad kids really come from bad parents?

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