Giving Thanks in 2020

For some reason, in my house, a shower towel is a one-use towel.

I do not get it.  I was not raised this way.  And in silent protest, I will put my damp towel back on the towel hook for me to use the next day.

Not everyone follows this routine.  In fact, TWO household members actually require two to three towels per shower.  That is a lot of towels! 

And heaven forbid these two family members partake in some activity where a second shower is required that day.  I cannot wash the towels fast enough.

This was the situation I found myself in about a week ago.  Seeing no shower towels were hanging in the bathroom, ready for use as they were all used up, I had to hit the linen closet.  

As I grabbed my towel, I saw the prong of an electrical wire hiding behind two spray bottles.  With a confused expression on my face, I moved the bottles to either side.

“What the heck is this thing?”  I wondered.  I do not have anything on a wire in the linen closet.

Or I thought I did not.  But I did.  Behind the spray bottles sat my archnemesis. 

The iron. 

Once a week, I had to meet with that awful iron and work through a pile of Bob’s work clothes.  I hate to iron.  I hate to iron so much that for years I never ironed the right sleeve of any of Bob’s shirts as it was the hidden sleeve when the clothes were all hung up. 

Bob’s new basement work attire has a “casual Friday” feel to it every day of the week.  Dress shirts and slacks no longer require my weekly (or any) attention.

I smiled when I shut the linen closet door and could not help but think,

“2020 cannot be all that bad.  I have not had to use you in nine months!”

It’s the day before Thanksgiving.  I know I am thankful for a ton.  I am thankful for good health, good kids, ok pets (just kidding…kind of), a home, a washing machine for all the towels, my family.  I am thankful that Declan’s school will stay open even though the big kids’ schools are closing, sending the learners back home.  And I am grateful that I did not overlook some of the little blessings of 2020.

No ironing. 

I will be sure to mention the iron tomorrow when we are giving thanks.

The day before Thanksgiving holds another one of our favored traditions.  Going to see Santa.

Bob and I started this tradition from the very start.  What better way to beat the Christmas crowds than to visit Santa the day before Thanksgiving?

The tradition proved to be one of the smartest things we ever did when Declan finally came along and had zero ability to wait in any line.

Santa the day before Thanksgiving = no line.  Perfect!

Visiting Santa has always been a bit of a challenge for Declan as he gets nervous around Santa and strangers in general.  We have been creative in accomplishing the Santa picture by either backing him in the last second or sitting on my lap out of the sight. 

Around June of this year, Declan began to state his trepidation in seeing ‘The Big Guy’ and asked if he could skip Santa this year.

I chalked it up to the same fears from years past, but this year the anxiety was different.

“I have not been very good this year, and Santa knows.”

Declan feared Santa saw a couple of fights with the neighbor boys.  How he yelled at his parents during virtual school.  How he fought with his siblings. 

“He saw the good too,” I reassured.

And we got the 2020 Santa picture

Thanksgiving this year will be a new experience for us all, much like Easter.  We are celebrating alone as a family of five.  Giving thanks for each other, our loved ones, and all that we are blessed with.

Including a year of no ironing. 😊

Happy Thanksgiving!

49 thoughts on “Giving Thanks in 2020

  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! 💕 Way to go for getting that Santa and how smart. Declan looks absolutely happy and I love that your older kids still partake in the photo.

    And yes to no ironing! Bane of my existence too.

    Enjoy your time together as a family!!!

      1. Thanks Robyn. We celebrated Thanksgiving in Canada in early October. Counting down till Christmas now. 🙂 I wish I had the next two days off. 😂

  2. I love the Santa Photo with everyone in masks. Safety first! And I’m with you on the ironing. I loathe it. When I was single and living in London the other woman who shared the house with me also did not care for ironing. We would place all the things that needed to be ironed on a stool in the kitchen and we would say we were going to send for the “ironing slave”. After about 2 -3 days we would say “Well he’s not coming to do our ironing so I guess we better do it ourselves.” And we would laugh and each of us would then start ironing our clothes. I always thought it was amusing that the “ironing slave” was a male character.

    1. That is funny! I have always wished the ironing would just go away, and with 2020 it finally did! Thank you! I think the photo will be one we comment on for years to come – “remember when?…” Such a landmark year!

  3. Is Santa flashing a gang sign? My kids are one use towel people too. They inherit that trait from their grandmother and I can’t complain too much or it will get back to her. There are so many things about 2020 that have been awesome, it’s probably my best year in the past ten. I know things are horrible for millions of Americans, but right now, everything (well almost everything) in my life is perfect.

    1. I thought he was flashing a gang sign for a couple of years. Then I thought he might have arthritis. After careful consideration, and watching his hands move fine over the years, I think he is just trying to send a message. I think he is flashing the ASL sign for “I love you” but backward, which is different – so maybe it is a gang sign? I don’t know. I do like our time right now too. Well, I like it as long as D is in school. As long as he is there, things are really great. Lots to be happy about for Thanksgiving.

  4. That Santa photo will be iconic and priceless in future decades! Totally captures 2020.

    Ironing. I join you in your disdain! Growing up, one of my chores – the only girl with three older brothers – was to iron the sheets, pillow cases, and my father’s work shirts. HATED IT! As soon as I was old enough to move away from home, I accepted wrinkles in my sheets and ironed my own clothes only in the most extreme circumstances. I learned to buy clothing that didn’t require dry cleaning or ironing. I still own an iron, but I can’t remember the last time I used it.

    Great piece. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

    1. Wow, that is a lot of ironing. Ironing was not one of my chores growing up (and I am thankful for that). I deal with ironing now much like a belligerent teenager. I am just happy when the chore is over.
      Thank you! I think the photo is one we will appreciate in the future as one to mark the year and everything that is “special” about it. I hope you and your family have a Happy Thanksgiving as well!

    1. Haha! I FINALLY came clean and told him my little secret. He just bowed his head and whispered, “I knew it!” Haha – I hate ironing!

  5. I despise most chores but ironing is way up near the top!! People thought I was strange for preferring dry clean only but… no ironing!! I switched to wash&wear long ago.

    The towels reminded me of a group trip to stay in a friend’s big shared house. We discovered the that all the towels could literally stand on their own!! Oddly, I was the only person to insist on a trip to the laundromat! I don’t know how the regular residents were managing to get those towels relaxed enough to use! Maybe they were decoys? That’s probably what led to me always packing hair towels (turbie twists) in my luggage!

    GREAT photo and wise skill!!

    I hope you have a wonderful TDay!

  6. Love Cate’s outfit… oops “fit”😂😂 Declan is adorable. So sweet that he worries that maybe he hasn’t been good enough.
    I’m with you… as long as Ben goes to school things are groovy. Of course, my life really hasn’t changed much🤣🤣
    The towel thing… UGH!! Younger was a multi towel user, and taker. A load of just towels. Why? One presumes that getting out of the shower one is clean. The towel just dries the water. And I do NOT iron. Period. Of course, yoga pants or shorts dont need to ironed😂

    I hope you guys have a great Turkey Day!🦃

    1. Haha! Santa had fun with her about her pants. Asked her if they enjoyed going to church (because they were so holey) – good one, Santa! I figure she will look back and say something like, “I can’t believe I wore those pants!” But that will be a fun moment too.
      D was legit frightened for the big meeting. He was certain Santa was going to tell him “Nothing for you. Try again next year!” But he didn’t. And now we will have the Elf on the Shelf come back – so hopefully December will be a good month.
      Oh, the towels. For five of us I keep a lot of towels in there. And even this morning only two were there. I have to do some room searching in a bit. To collect them and wash them. Again.
      Thank you! I hope you have a nice relaxing day as well!

  7. I have the towel war with my son. I hang mine back up. He either leaves it on the bathroom floor or the laundry room floor if he is feeling festive…

    Happy Thanksgiving, Robyn!

        1. Thank you! I had to look it up. I am using the Matata custom theme. I like how the articles show on the home page.

  8. I love your no-ironing year, Robyn, I had to laugh out loud as I remembered you hate ironing! Funnily enough, I’ve had a no-ironing year too, so 2020 has indeed has its upsides! I’ve also always maintained that I can’t work the vacuum cleaner, so I’ve been able to offload that thoroughly unpleasant task for years…

    I’m not sure Santa will be coming to meet any kids over here this year, but that’s a great picture of your family. I especially approve of Santa’s mask – very fitting! I’ve always told my kids that Santa understands that children can’t be good all the time, and heaven knows they can be given a bit of slack this year. One of our supermarkets’ festive TV adverts joyfully pronounces that we can all have whever we like for Christmas 2020, because ‘there’s no naughty list this year’! I have to say, I agree.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you all. 🙂

    1. That is a great motto! I am going to have to tell him so he feels better about himself. I am sure I wasn’t the best version of me this year either. That is 2020! Thank you! I hope you have a great day as well! 🙂

      1. That is 2020 indeed, Robyn! None of us have been our best selves this year, and I think we should all be comfortable with that. So the idea of the naughty list going out of the window is a great one to my mind. 🙂

  9. Absolutely, if you look, there are lots of things to be thankful for, even this year. We don’t have Thanksgiving in the UK, but I like the idea.. I’m not a fan of the iron either!

    1. Thank you! You are right. There are a lot of things I didn’t like before and I haven’t had to do them which is nice!

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