I stared at Bobby with my jaw dropped in utter wonder.
“What?” he answered my look, “I was going to wing it. I mean, I do have some notes. I was going to play off those.”
I wasn’t quite sure what I was more amazed at. That he was comfortable enough to stand in front of his English class and just “wing” a presentation – something that would have kept me up for weeks in worry – or that he failed to adequately prepare for another class assignment.
“What is the presentation on?”
“Whether homework should be graded on completion or accuracy.”
My jaw dropped again.
“Seriously?! I mean, you do see the irony in this, right? So, what is your opinion?”
It was homework day. A day that Bobby had no after school or evening activities so we could sit down and focus on a subject that Bobby felt he was struggling with.
And although we sat down to go over Spanish, a brief tour of English led to me discovering his “wing it” plan. We took an immediate detour in subjects.
This Spring has been a whirlwind of non-stop activity. The kids have kept me on my toes and behind the wheel of a car.
Or in waiting rooms or emergency rooms.
A few weeks ago, an elbow to the face required four stitches.

Not that stitches deterred anything. It is in my opinion that a group of men decided to go ahead and schedule a full tournament weekend for basketball and soccer on Mother’s Day weekend. (Let’s just see what they schedule for Father’s Day!)
In the end, I guess it was okay. Bobby got player of the game and Catelyn scored two goals making her the Coupe with the most soccer goals in one season.
And since Declan has to go to ONE of these tournaments:

Soccer = Tent + Puppets
Declan’s puppet making is at an all-time high, which also means my puppet making is at an all-time high. So excited about puppets was he that he promised four of his friends at school that he would make them one.

(I really developed my deep breathing habit for relaxation with that one).
My birthday passed with another trip to the ER. When the dentist tells you NOT to eat or drink anything with your Invisalign in, he really means it. Otherwise, a lot of sugar could sit on your tooth and cause you to need a root canal.
And as we waited and search for a dentist to take our insurance for the procedure, the pain hit an all-time high.

So, we get an ER bill AND a root canal bill.
The root canal bill means Mom gets a picture of son in silly glasses. The only reason Mom got to see the silly glasses was because son was scared and wanted to hold Mom’s hand through the procedure.

Day to day means multiple trips to the school for rides to and from practices and games. Bobby is on three different sports teams that keep him at school until 8 or have games that start at 8, then tournaments on weekends.
Catelyn has her soccer, but this season she also joined the track team. I think she likes it more than she lets on (“I hate it!”), so maybe she will run again next year.

Another tournament weekend, with Cate looking for some more goals.

Which I left early so I could take Declan to his first playdate at a friends house!
He said he had the best time ever! And from what I can gather, whenever Declan’s friend began to play something Declan did not care for, Declan took out the puppets he brought. His friend sounds like he was very flexible (and played A LOT of puppets!).
Since I was a little disappointed how Mother’s Day and my birthday turned out, I called for a day of rest, listening to my favorite sound in the world – the ocean waves breaking on the shore.
I read, Declan swam and played in the sand. The big kids walked the boardwalk, ate ice cream and pizza.

I had the best day celebrating my special days.
After some actual research and citing some references, Bobby sided with the belief homework should be graded on completion. Class time should be given to go over the homework so the student can learn from his mistakes on the homework and learn from them.
With his busy schedule, I can see why he chose this option. Homework catch-up day is important and I like to be there to be sure he’s not “winging it.” But also hard to accomplish with everyone’s busy schedule.
A busy schedule that, outside of emergency rooms, the kids enjoy. By getting back into their routines, seeing their friends, and doing the things they love to do!
Yay Beach! 🥳🌊 I’m glad you got to relax for one day, at least. I’d say they still owe you at least another day. You should get your birthday AND Mother’s Day! You’re an awesome Mom!💕
I had to do some deep breathing of my own when I read that Declan promised to make 4 puppets. 🙄🤦🏼♀️ I know exactly what THAT means🙄 and being cute and hiding behind furry purple guy isn’t gonna help him… okay, maybe it will😉😂
That’s a good point! I may have to take this point to the family and try to institute another “me” day!
I know, right?! I tried to ignore that he “needed to make four more puppets for friends” and even said no to him for about an hour. That same night, I found myself sitting at soccer practice and sewing :-). He’s so hard to say no to!
Happy belated birthday! I hope you found some relax time. I agree it’s hard to find “me” time with kids and their activities! Always something!
Thank you! It is tough. I like that they are busy. I am glad we were able to find a day in all the madness for some R&R – before we started back up again! 🙂
Oh good ❤️ 😊
Sounds like you have an extra busy schedule! I don’t know how you get it all done. I agree and think you deserve another “me” day since you missed two. Hope you can fit it in somehow. I see that Declan got his Micky Mouse puppet. It is cute! Glad the ER visits went well, at least I assume they did. Congrats to Cate on making the most goals this year.
Thank you! I will definitely have to bring this idea up to the family. Another day would be great! He did! There is a lot of MIckey Mouse/Kermit discussions going on in his play. It’s cute!
A happy belated birthday to you! I’m glad that you got a belated day to celebrate by the ocean and with a book!
I had a chuckle at the theme of Bobby’s homework. Yikes at all his trips to the ER. Slightly amused he got stitches on his face but had to hold your hand for his root canal. 🤣
You should start an Etsy for all the puppets you’re mass producing!
And way to go to Catelyn for acing her athletics. It’s so great your kids are so involved in sports!
Thank you! It was nice. A little chilly in the morning but then super sunny by mid-day. It was good to getaway!
I know! I couldn’t believe what the theme was and then how he was approaching it! He actually had to do the assignment with two others on homework in general. One kid got “Should homework be graded,” the other “Is the grading system/scale an adequate assessment of knowledge” and then Bobby’s theme. And of course, Mr. “No Big Deal” was going to wing it. Geez!
I actually did have to hold his hand when the stitches went in and then again when they came out. He didn’t flinch getting this huge cut in the face but anything with anticipatory pain and he’s done for! 🙂
I should! There are puppets everywhere! Although I think my “just get it done” sewing may get some bad reviews! 🙂
Sometimes, teachers have quite the sense of humour – whether it’s intended or not!
Although it sucked he had to get stitches, there is something sweet about a grown boy still needing to hold his mother’s hand during a tough time. 😊
You could get Bobby to help with your sewing puppets!
You’ve done more in a week than I have since my birth…
These days are long. It just feels so non-stop!
You are a brilliant mum 🌻❤️🤩
Thank you! 🙂
Wow, you’ve been busy! Hahaha But you have a beautiful family! Your kiddos look healthy and happy 🙂 ❤️ Even with all the trips to the ER… 😉
Thank you!! 🙂
I honestly don’t know how you do it. Whenever I have anything n my schedule, it becomes a stressor. I can handle a couple a week, but after that, I kind of enter shut-down mode. Example: This weekend I’m going to my dad’s birthday party on Sunday AND on Saturday I’m going to the next town to get cupcakes for said party… OVERLOAD, Glad you got away to the beach. I REALLY miss the beach.
It’s crazy, Jeff! Yesterday, there was an away track meet. Then drop off basketball bag to Bobby at 6, pick up football bag, pick up Bobby from second practice at 8. Tonight pick up one kid at 4, then the other one at 6, soccer practice at 6:30, basketball game at 8. And they BOTH have a tournament weekend again this weekend. And any free minute they have they want a ride to a friend’s house. The beach was a nice way to getaway and do something I enjoy. I can’t wait to get back.
Happy belated birthday. It’s a busy busy life you have. So little time for you. You are doing a fantastic job.
Thank you!
I am exhausted just reading about your week. Glad you got some R & R in.
Thank you! It was nice to get away.