Happy Father’s Day!

Happy Father’s Day to all the dad’s out there!

We celebrated Father’s Day at the beach.

The kids spent hours playing in the sand and in the water while my husband and I watched on, enjoying our time with the kids.




Bobby?  He made a friend and spent the ENTIRE day in the water, playing in the waves.


The beach was perfect for our family.  There were only a few other families there so we were able to have our space and spend the entire day there.  A first for us.

And as Declan and Catelyn enjoyed playing in the sand more often than playing in the water, my husband and I got to RELAX.

PERFECT for him on Father’s Day!


I am proud of my husband for the awesome father he is and has become.  He is the kids first playmate, organizing numerous fun times and games.  He puts in so many hours of work so I can care for the kids – I know how many times he has had to miss some event, some meeting or some Dr’s appointment he wanted to be at because of work.

Every goal a child reaches, every picture drawn, every song sung – he CELEBRATES!  And no, my sense of humor is NOWHERE NEAR his.  And I would like to think I am pretty funny.

The kids adore their time with Daddy, which makes days like today so very special.  Today was a perfect Father’s Day for the entire family.

I see my husband becoming the father that my dad was for me.  My dad is so very special to me and to my kids.


When I look at the following quotes, I think of my dad, but also of my husband.  When my kids grow and have the chance to retrospect, I feel they will see their dad in the same light.




And it gives me such happiness and peace.

Happy Father’s Day!



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