It’s Party Time! Again

“Mom, we need to go to the grocery store.”


“Because it is my stuffed animal’s birthday, and I want to throw him a party.”

I looked at Catelyn, who was looking back at me with a wry smile on her face.

“It’s a big one – he’s turning five! So, I would like to get a cake, ice cream, some candy, chips, and soda.”

I sighed.

“Well played, Catelyn. Well played.”

She had a point.  A few weeks earlier, Declan had informed us all that it was Sonic the Hedgehog’s birthday, and we were going to have a party for him. 

I dutifully put Declan in the car, took him to the store, and purchased cinnamon buns, which were apparently necessary to make Sonic feel special on his special day.

And whether we wanted to or not – we ALL sang Happy Birthday to Sonic and celebrated.

Catelyn found my weakness.  When Declan creates an idea in his head, I help him follow through with it.

In my defense, the second a teenager finds out I am going to the grocery store, I am inundated with texts requesting nothing remotely substantial.  Soda, cookies, chips, fruit snacks.  All the stuff a parent tries to avoid buying their kids.

Or worse, the second the teenagers find out I am going to the store, I walk to the car to find them already sitting there.  There are no bounds to their hunger and food requests. Their presence at the grocery store is practically a guarantee they will get the snacks they want.

Recently, I found myself in the weirdest predicament.

Standing in the middle of a party store contemplating a balloon purchase.


Earlier that morning, I was on my phone, coordinating rides for Bobby and his friends, when another call came in.  Unable to answer at the time, I later received a text from an extremely excited boy.

Getting 100 followers on his social media site has been a goal for Declan for – what feels like – forever.

So, of course, he wanted to celebrate.

So that you know, Declan is not on social media alone.  If you have ever received an email from me, you will most likely be getting an email from something like “videogameman” or “gameboi,” as he has taken over my Google account. Declan feels “Robyn Coupe” is embarrassing.  And he fails to see how the reverse would be true for me.

He has also taken over a social media account.  It’s mine – I never use it but can watch the videos, messages, comments, and followers that land on the account. The account that now has 100 followers of now, mostly other puppet lovers.

Catelyn also has an account and has a lot more followers.  Let us just say our latest celebration struck the “teen angst” chord pretty heavily.

“I mean, come ON!”

Catelyn’s angst at Declan’s parties, celebrations, and events made me more aware of all the things I go along with for him.  A few weeks ago, Declan had me at the craft store, picking up supplies needed to make a paper mache Sonic so he could “make” a new Sonic movie.

A week later, we were back at the fabric store searching through the fabric scraps on clearance as he wanted to make a SpongeBob puppet.

Honestly, every day I never know what idea he has created in his head of a project or celebration he wants to complete.

Yet, I always comply. If not that day, then shortly after that.

I like his creativity.  I like his projects. His excitement around his activities is really adorable.

Messy, but adorable

But ultimately, I know that we will never be able to move on if an idea cannot come to fruition.  So, we make it happen the best we can.

I will do my best to make the middle child, and only girl feel a little more special.  If I don’t, I think she will be pulling out all her old stuffed animals and having a party for each of them. She’s found a way to my weak spot!

34 thoughts on “It’s Party Time! Again

  1. The eye roll kills me. Love it! 🤣 I love that your kids find reasons to celebrate and have a good time, albeit the long list of junk food. 😊 It’s also really sweet that they go to the store with you still!

    Declan indeed is getting great with his crafts. Love the Sonic and SpongeBob crafts.

    It’s very cool you are helping your kids navigate social media. Thankfully T is still young for that but I can anticipate this being something we’ll need to cross one day. Who knows what he’ll be sharing!

    1. Catelyn is very clever. She found a way to get the goods from the store. Believe me, the teen store trips are a constant barrage of things flying over my head and landing in the cart with me saying, “stop doing that!” or “what was that?” They definitely found a way to tease me. They make me laugh and frustrate me at the same time.
      Social media has been something we have been very cautious with, Declan especially. Declan got a hand-me-down phone a year ago when I got a new phone – the earliest than any of the other kids. The only rule for him was that I got full access so I could navigate any and all interactions. Thankfully, there haven’t been any. He is just a puppeteer/crafter showing off his favorite things!

      1. I can imagine the chaos of it all but also how fun these bonding moments are with your kids. 😊

        Your approach to social media is very pragmatic and sensible. And glad that Declan has a nice outlet to channel his love of crafts!

        Happy weekend! 😊

  2. That one will keep you on your toes for years to come🤣🤣 My girls are *STILL* keeping me on mine🤪

    And food shopping… I went today with requests from Younger, who finds it more convenient to shop at my house than the store🤪😂😂

    The only one in our house competing with Ben is Zeus😂😂 He gets very upset when Ben gets something and there’s no treat for him. Luckily he thinks a carrot is a treat 😉🤣🤣🤣

    1. Oh my goodness, she will definitely be keeping me on my toes, I am sure! That is funny about younger – I bet mine will be doing the same thing when they are older too!

    1. I feel like I am almost there – maybe one more year I’ve reached the “Anything I say” stage!

  3. It’s a slippery tight rope to walk between keeping the peace and playing favorites. I find myself bumping into this frequently. Kudos to Caitlyn for playing you so well. Intelligent AND creative. My kids never need to manufacture reasons to get ice cream in the house. We’re all hopelessly addicted and the freezer is always stocked.

    1. Interestingly enough, if you asked Catelyn who was my favorite she would say Bobby. She would say that he and I just have this special connection. She would say she was second and Declan was third (she’s at that stage where whatever Declan says or does is automatically “annoying” and assumes we all feel the same way). Bobby is very impulsive and messes up a lot which Catelyn then celebrates because she feels she moves up in the ranks and garners the number one slot. She obviously spends a lot of time thinking about this and it seems it matters to her a lot. I tell her I have no favorites but will let her claim the number one slot and I will vocally back her claim if she helps me with chores or tasks I don’t want to complete like delivering mail to the right house after it was delivered to us. I guess we both can be pretty tricky! 🙂

  4. I can tell all of you have a ton of fun in your home. Your son is so sweet, who doesn’t love a good excuse to celebrate. Teenage years are so difficult, and you are a sweet mom for thinking of all your babies and their happiness. My husband and I used to take our son and daughter out at different times to have a one on one day with either mom or dad alone. They would pick out something they wanted, we would eat a little lunch somewhere or go to a movie together. My husband would take them to outdoor activities like fishing or hiking. We all had so much fun. Tell your son he is so creative, love his puppets and I have seen a lot in my own home, so I know what I am saying. Also, your daughter is beautiful. What great kids you have there.

  5. We celebrate stuffies over here – and my youngest is an eye roll pro too. She’s a pre-teen with full teen angst. Sometimes when I read your posts I think we are living the same life! It’s hard to find each kiddo’s “thing” and roll with it, so everyone has something they enjoy. It’s a balancing act for sure – and you guys have fun with it all!

  6. So funny. I’m right there with your daughter figuring out how I can play the game – you did it for him now do it for me. I bet Declan never says, “I’m bored. What can I do?”

    1. Declan is NEVER bored – you are right! I have never seen a child so into his projects. His mind is always on the next idea!

  7. We have birthday paryies for the toys and the dog. My 9yr old has fixxation with sticky tape ento.bed paper creations. He made a castle, the other day while home sick from school. These creative bursts and silly parties are what make him wonderful and glad we are not alone, and you find joy too

  8. Love the story, but LOVE the pics, particularly that one of Catelyn’s look….reminds me of a couple of now young ladies, who are always daughters, but who used to have those same teenage looks at that age!! 🙂 The age is like a kidney stone, for this too shall pass! 😉

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