Just Don’t Look at Santa

“Okay,” Santa’s elf said to me, “Are these two yours?”

It was the night before Thanksgiving.  The night when there is no one at the mall so we take the kids to see Santa.

“Yes,” I replied looking at Bobby and Catelyn who were beginning their chats with Santa.


I turned and looked down the hallway at the mall and added, “I have a third but I do not know if he is going to get in the picture this year.  He has autism and meeting Santa this year is overwhelming him.”

The elf and I turned to look a few stores away at Declan, hiding behind my husband.


It had taken about 20 minutes to get him that far down the hallway.  Torn between asking for a Christmas present and the newly developed fear of Santa, Declan wavered with each step he took.


His plan had been to hand Santa his Christmas wish in writing.  But Santa’s mere presence was becoming unbearable for Declan to endure.

The elf was sympathetic to Declan’s strife.

“Would it help for Santa to go over and talk with him?”

I went over and asked Declan if that would help.


The elf offered more suggestions as Declan inched over with his eyes covered.  And after some discussion, a perfect outcome was reached.

The elf ran to the food court and grabbed a chair.  And with his eyes covered we backed Declan into it without seeing Santa.  My husband and I do not normally get in the yearly Santa picture, but this year it made Declan feel better, so we jumped in.

Picture achieved.


“I DID IT!”  Declan yelled in joy as he ran away from Santa with my husband close behind.

And as soon as he was far enough away, he stopped, turned and jumped up and down with his arms in the air.


Declan didn’t give Santa his Christmas wish in writing.  He has determined Santa will remember him when he mails it to him later.  I think Santa will!

I am so happy for Declan.  This was the first year since Declan was a wee one that even LOOKING at Santa was too much for him.

But with the right supports in place, and a very helpful elf, Declan was able to face his challenges.

And succeed!


31 thoughts on “Just Don’t Look at Santa

  1. My kids were always freaked out by Santa. I think we may have gotten one photo in the 8 or so years that our kids were in the Santa mix. And the Easter Bunny – no way. I think they are still scared of him. Sophie used to have trouble going to bed on “Easter Eve” due to the thought of that big weird rabbit creeping around our house. We spend so much time telling our kids to avoid strange adults, and then we we introduce Santa… Glad it worked out for Declan this year. It sounds like persevering gave him a lot of pride.

    1. We don’t go anywhere near the bunny – that thing is freaky. All my kids were tearful with Santa until they were three. And then Declan got into costumes and dressed as Santa for the entire month of December one year. So this really surprised us this year. Yeah, he was so happy he got the picture – I think he feels like he earned his Christmas gift from Santa by getting his picture taken 🙂

  2. Thank you for sharing this. At first it was difficult to read the tough reality.
    It ended beautifully with patience and support.
    Great pic too. Wishing the best holiday season to you and yours

    1. Oh, that’s great! Our mall has a sensory santa experience as well on Sundays. I hope it goes well for you guys too!

    1. Smart move! I never told my oldest about the ice cream truck – he always just thought it was a truck that played music. Catelyn was the one who figured it out “I mean, there is a giant ice cream on the top of the truck!” It was good while it lasted – never heard the pleas for expensive melted ice cream for some years 🙂

    1. I agree! That elf was such a blessing to work so well with Declan’s needs – really made our visit a success 🙂

    1. Took me a second – so before you publish your post, on the right hand side of your computer screen you have things like “featured image” and “tags” – the very last one is the one you can write a couple of lines – click the triangle to open the box and you will have an option to write an excerpt about your post. Hope this helps! And that I answered what you were asking

  3. I am really pleased for Declan, it will be such a boost for him. Top top parenting. Our Son had the same Santa issue, but we never managed to break the barrier down. He had the same issue with the Easter Bunny. Yet will happily handle snakes and Tarantulas.

  4. How wonderful that you were able to find a solution that worked for him, and you have a gorgeous family photo to show for it!
    We are seeing Santa in a few weeks and I worry about how my son with ASD will manage, fingers crossed it’s as successful!x

  5. This is an incredibly uplifting post. My middle child, who is 4 has just been diagnosed with autism. We are not at the stage where he can go to a shopping centre to see santa yet, but your post has given me hope. Thank you xxx

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