When I was a kid school pictures were important.
Since I went to a catholic school, I had to wear a uniform. Except for one Friday a month and school picture day.
My mom carefully picked out my outfit and hairstyle for my school picture. Then she would hand me a paper envelope with a check inside for the photo package she had picked.
My mom always chose the photo package for a reason. The school photos, in their various 8×10 or 5×7 sizes, became Christmas gifts for my Grandmother’s, aunts and uncles. Wallet sized photos to be stuffed into wallets inches thick from family photos.
So, all gussied up on picture day, I would wait my turn to hand my envelope to the photographer, sit on a pedestal and smile.
When I had kids, I foresaw something very similar. Since Bobby was my first, he got to go first. I could order his photo’s ahead of time online and pick the background to really match the shirt I had picked for his special photo package. The package that would be filled with photos I could disperse among family.
Eventually, his photos appeared in his school bag. With great anticipation I opened the envelope. Slowly, my anticipatory smile faded into a look of confusion.
“Bobby?” I called, “What happened with your school photo?”
Bobby walked into the kitchen, peered at his photo and smiled.
“Oh! I decided to make a funny face.” Then he pointed to the photo and laughingly he asked, “Isn’t that a FUNNY face?”
I nodded. It was pretty funny. It was a little less funny that I had bought a WHOLE package I could no longer gift, though. So, I did the next best thing.
I posted it on Facebook.

The photo has gotten many laughs through the years. It has been seen so often that it almost isn’t even funny anymore. (Almost).
But I posted it because when your kid does something funny, let’s share the laughter wealth.
Kids across the world have been known to say and do the darnedest things. So much so, books and TV shows have been dedicated to them.
My kids have been no different.
When Declan was almost two years old, he developed a taste for Milkbones forcing me to hide the dog biscuits in different places throughout the house, only to be sniffed out (and eaten) by Declan. Of course, I posted this.

Like Catelyn, Declan was a stripper. And he smiled for me when I posted a picture of the way I figured out how to keep his clothes on.

As the days wore on, different services were acquired. By the time he was three, Declan was diagnosed with autism.
With all his sleep and socialization issues, I had Declan outside daily at our local park to soak in the sunshine and play.
One day we noticed something was off with one of the water fountains. Someone had changed the water pressure on the fountain, so much so that the water shot out of the fountain with great force, like water through a pressure washer.

And even though I tried to deter Declan from the fountain telling him it was “broken,” Declan would not be deterred. He was determined.
I took his photo and laughed; certain this would be the next motivational poster for DETERMINATION.

But as much as I laughed, I realized I could never post this photo.
Even though each one of my kids would have looked at that fountain the same way, with the same determined, “Yep. I can drink that” mentality, things changed when Declan was diagnosed. Declan was no longer just a kid doing something kid like and funny. If I posted that photo would it be seen that I was poking fun at my developmentally delayed, special needs son?
The kids are passed the age of saying and doing the darndest things. I’m not saying they’re not capable of WOWING me with some humdinger in the future, but they are kind of passed the innocence that young age affords youthful ignorance. In their young age, I’ve laughed and shared the things my kids have said and done. There’ve been some good humdingers.
I will always be cautious about the things I post about Declan, but as a family we laugh at the DETERMINATION photo as it sits on our fridge for us to see every day. Because kids, even kids with autism, say and do the darndest things.
(And us parents learn from them. Since the Bobby photo incident, I always remember to say SMILE for picture day, and I no longer buy a whole photo package sight unseen. Live and learn! 😊)
I absolutely love this ❤️
Thank you!!
I loooove bad pictures. I definitely would have still sent them as cards!! Your kids are great!!
That’s a good idea! Thank you!!
The unscripted photos are always the best. Like you I often wrestle with that line between a smile and poking fun at a condition. Have a shed load of posts which I never posted as I was worried about crossing that line. I still probably sail too close to it some days. That’s why I make sure the person who constantly looks the fool is me. I think you get the tone absolutely perfectly. An example to us all.
Picture day has lost traction each year in our house. Except for Sophie’s senior picture, I can’t think of the last time we bout the school photos. They’re never the best photos we get of the kids… even the one who doesn’t like to be photographed.
I’ve stopped buying the package but I do get one $10 photo of each of them each year. I like to look back and see all the changes through the years. I guess I’m sentimental.
Ben was a stripper too. It was keeping the diaper on him that was the real issue. We tried the duct tape and he picked it off. We wound up cutting the feet off his sleepers and putting them on backward, with the zipper in back. We even had to run a few stitches around the neck because he would yank & stretch and Houdini his way out and be completely naked and laughing…
He found his Tigger onesie pajamas on Sunday & HAD to put them on. Then he found my Eeyore onesie pajamas and insisted I wear them all day too. We should’ve taken a picture. Even at 11, he does the darndest things😍😂
Catelyn was a diaper destroyer too! We tried the duct tape on her diaper as well and had a little more success especially on the over nights. I ended up having to do the backwards thing too with Declan – it’s amazing what tricks we have up our sleeves! 🙂
Oh, that must have been a sight! Definitely picture worthy!
You know those dog biscuits that are different colors? I can tell you, first-hand, that they taste exactly alike…
Your too funny! 🙂
Love that photo – I think I know why my mother never bought packages of school pics anymore, she only ever bought one 😂😂
I can see your point about the diagnosis changing how Declan’s behaviours and such were seen, especially as he gets older. However, I think all of those things, the amazing and funny and wonderful things he says and does, are what will make him a unique treasure to this world.
Caz xx
I think you’re right – thank you so much, Caz! xx
Ha! That is a great face.
Hahaha….he got me! I had to admit it was a good face!
I just posted what my little comedian said to his teacher. Here’s the link https://leisurelynn.com/kids-say-the-darnedest-things-it-was-rigged/