Probiotics and Autism

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“My tummy hurts…..”

It’s a statement we hear a lot in our house.

Declan has problems with sleep, gastrointestinal (GI) issues and is very limited in the foods he will eat.

So, I was happy to read autism is considered a whole body disorder for many people on the spectrum since there are so many physical and mental disorders that frequently accompany autism including epilepsy, GI distress, sleep disturbances, ADHD, anxiety and depression.

According to the report found here, it was found that children with autism were eight times more likely to suffer from a chronic GI condition than were other children.ย  Research linked chronic GI issues with increased autism behavioral symptoms including repetitive behaviors, social withdrawal, hyperactivity and irritability.

Research began to look at the digestive bacteria in the intestinal tract and noticed that unhealthy changes in the bacteria drove autism behaviors and GI problems.

So then what is the best way to help keep a healthy gut/brain connection?

There are a lot of diets out there to help parents find that happy connection.ย  Autism Parenting Magazine provided me with this infographic on the subject.ย  I really like the explanation provided about what is the cause and the importance of gut health – and how probiotics can help.

I especially like the list of foods that can help.ย  Being so limited in the foods Declan will consume already, I have had a hard time in the past trying to add or alter an item in his diet.ย  The list provided has so many options – even I can find a few things on the list Declan will eat to help keep his gut happy and healthy.

If you click the infographic you will be taken to the Autism Parenting Blog where you will find more information on the subject.ย  Check it out!



Probiotics and Autism


16 thoughts on “Probiotics and Autism

    1. Probiotic supplements give me a stomach ache, so I don’t take them or give them to Declan. But I can put them into his diet with foods like yogurt. which I know he enjoys – worth a try ๐Ÿ™‚

  1. I didn’t know potatoes were on the list. YAY! King Ben is a tater fiend๐Ÿ˜‚ he will occasionally eat carrots. He definitely has more “behavior” problems when his tummy isn’t good. We keep a close watch on him since he’s often constipated, and he can’t/doesn’t communicate that he’s feeling bad.

    1. I know – the list pointed out some things that were doable for us. Most of the time you read things like sauerkraut or kimchi – which isn’t going to work. Potatoes? Yes! We can do that!

  2. My little brother loves potatoes! It runs in the family. Baked potoes, fried potatoes, tater tots, the list goes on!

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