Quality Time

“I just thought we would spend more time together.”

I was sitting at my computer with my reading glasses at the edge of my nose, pen in hand.

I was in the process of balancing the checkbook. Instead of peering over my glasses to see the numbers on the screen, I peered over to see Declan now sitting at the table across from me.

Over the course of the summer, the family has taken many side trips. Basketball tournaments, sports camps, and random getaways.  And when I say family, I mean everyone else besides Declan and me.

It was, in my opinion, that over the course of the summer, that was all we were doing—spending time together.

We spent our time together in true Declan fashion.  Ranking our favorite puppets.  Our favorite Muppets.  Our favorite puppeteers.  We took a few stabs at ventriloquism and tried to see who was better at it. Making a mountain of puppets with different sewing techniques. 

In short – we have been spending LOTS of Declan time together.

“What do you want for us to do?” I asked.

“Can you please rate your chance of surviving each horror character?”

“I don’t know, bud,” I said, trying to locate where I had just left off on the screen. “I think they would all get me.”

Declan looked down at his pinched fingers that were tracing imaginary figures on the table where we sat. After a brief pause, he continued.

“But I want to hear WHY you think each character would get you.”

The child was not going to be deterred. A blanket answer was not going to be sufficient. And since I had no one else around to send him to, I was stuck.

I put my pen down and took my glasses off.

“Okay, who first.”

“Freddy Krueger.”

“Oh, he would definitely get me.  I would definitely fall asleep at some point.”

“You could drink a lot of coffee and just stay awake,” he offered.

“I think they tried that in the movie, but the guy still fell asleep. I think technically you could die from lack of sleep too, so either way, I would be a goner.”

“Michael Meyers.”

“Well, Aunt Nikki said that he is more of an idea in the books than a person.  That he is evil in human form.  I have no idea what to do with that but try to be nice.  Maybe run fast.”

“Jason Voorhees.”

“Which one is he again?”

“The one that kills people at Camp Crystal Lake,” Declan answered.

“Oh, right. The hockey mask guy. I guess I wouldn’t go to that camp, so then he couldn’t get me.”

“Good point. What about Pennywise.”

“Isn’t he all about luring kids into sewers? So, I’m safe from him because I’m an adult.”

Declan nodded. “Leatherface.”

“I won’t go to Texas.  I’m good.”


“I like Halloween? I mean, I like Halloween. So, I am safe from him too.”


“He’s short, so all I have to do is stand on higher ground.”


“That’s easy,” I said, “I don’t answer the phone as it is, so he won’t ever be able to play mind games with me and then kill me.”


“Well, I guess if I ever see someone with pins all in their face and head, I’ll just turn around and walk the other way.”

Declan nodded his head and appeared content with my answers.

“Okay,” he said, standing up. “Well, we are going to watch The Muppet Movie tonight, have a puppet-making contest, and then we will talk about this again.”

By the end of the summer, I am confident I will have spent A LOT of time with Declan, contemplating things I never thought about before. 

Hopefully, Declan will return to school thinking about all the quality time we’ve spent together too. 

And then have new people to ask all these questions! 😊

18 thoughts on “Quality Time

  1. Ya know. Most of these killers were around when I was a teenager. Don’t they make new horror movie franchises any more? I play a similar game in my head thinking about whether I’d survive various apocalypse situations. Maybe you couple play that with Declan.

    1. I don’t even know how he knows these guys as he has never watched the movies. Maybe he watched Scream, I think? Suriving apocolypse situations may blow his mind and keep him entertained for hours. Thanks for the idea!

      1. One thing I read in a book is to stockpile liquor as currency for after the state stores are all looted. I bet Declan doesn’t think of that one.

        1. Haha! No – he definitely wouldn’t think of that one. We just went to the party store (Spiderman’s birthday is apparently tomorrow) and debated “who would win” battles between all of these horror guys. So, I didn’t get to the apocolypse stuff yet. It will be fun though when we get there!

  2. How to survive the Zombie Apocalypse is often played at my house. Not with Ben… with Daughter.

    Sometimes I’m glad that Ben has limited speaking ability. I’m afraid that once he gets going, I’ll be hiding in the bathroom more than I already do 😲😂😂

    Spiderman’s birthday huh? I miss Spider-Declan😉💕

    1. Me too! I didn’t know either – August 1, 1962 is the day he was created although Peter Parker’s birthday is August 10th. We may be celebrating TWICE. 🙂
      I can’t get Declan to stop. The conversation just keeps on going. And I am always the one here to have them with him!

    1. Me neither! The masks really throw me off. I guess I just know they are both the bad guys but I can never remember who is who!

  3. Declan sounds like someone I would love to chat with. I love horror movies. Feel free to send him my way. 🤣 And I know how you feel about being stuck in a conversation and trying to get away with the usual blanket answers but getting called out on it. 😂

    Summer is flying by so quickly. I can’t believe it’s August already. It sounds like you’re making so many great memories with Declan. I have no doubt he will remember these moments in September and beyond!

    1. I really have no idea how he is so well-versed with these movies. At some point, I feel like I have watched at least one of these movies and he hasn’t. Yet he seems to know them inside and out! I definitely could use some help with these discussions! 🙂
      I know! I can’t believe it is August already! They start back to school at the end of the month. Crazy! The big kids really get into their fall sports this month so I am sure it is going to fly. But I am sure Declan and I will have plenty of time while we wait for the big kids to talk about all sorts of things! He cracks me up! 🙂

  4. You are such a good mom to spend so much time with Declan, doing the things he wants to do. I love the answers to how you would survive. Some of those bad guys, I don’t know. I hope school gives you a much needed break.

    1. Thank you! I can’t believe it is August already. School starts at the end of the month. Crazy how fast this summer has gone!

  5. Having just got back from Northumberland and spending lots of quality time with the kids, I know exactly what you mean! You can’t beat it, and it’s those mad conversations and simple fun times that they’ll remember so fondly. 🙂

    1. Yes! Oh my, he is a little chatterbox and will not accept a blanket answer. He really makes me think and when I look back at what we talked about it really cracks me up! 🙂

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