Ready for More Soccer Shots!

“Bobby, what are you doing?”

We all looked at the computer screen and laughed.

“I mean, it doesn’t look like you were the one to kick the ball, and sure doesn’t look like you are making any effort to stop the ball either.  It is like you are just looking at the ball and having a talk!  What are you doing there?”

“I have no idea,” Bobby answered, “that picture looks so weird!”


A couple of weeks ago Bobby played in another soccer tournament, this one was on the beach.

I thought it was so cool.  They were playing soccer, barefoot, in the sand.

And I love getting some cool soccer shots.  I bought a specific lens just to reach the depths of some of the soccer fields Bobby plays on.  And it came in handy on the beach as well.





I don’t have any pictures of Declan from that weekend.

He wasn’t there.

The drive, the sun, the wait in between games, the games themselves – all of it would have been too much for Declan to handle.  So this trip was just me and Bobby.

I was so happy to go.  Usually I am the one that stays home with Declan – Bob being the social one is the one best suited for the games and all the socializing.  Thankfully, we have been with the same soccer team, the same group of parents, for so long – I do okay.

I love watching Bobby play soccer.  And I want him to see me there, cheering him and his team on.

And even though Declan would have a hard time at some of these events, I am happy that we still have the kids involved in all the activities they enjoy.

We make it work.

This weekend is another soccer tournament weekend.  And I plan to make it work, this time with Declan.

I have his device charged and ready for a ride of You Tube videos.  If not, the portable DVD player is charged and ready to go.  I packed the tent to put him under when we get there, with his chair and some headphones.  We will only stay for one game.

And today I took him to the store and let him pick out one piece of candy and a snack – for the car ride home.  Now, he’s excited to go!

A lot of things could go wrong.  But I am hopeful that I have planned enough to allow Declan to have an okay time at the fields for one hour.

So I can cheer Bobby and his team on – and get a ton of cool soccer shots I so enjoy taking!


6 thoughts on “Ready for More Soccer Shots!

    1. That tournament was so cool – and Bobby’s team won the tournament, so that was pretty cool too! Thanks Jeff!

  1. I thought you were supposed to wear shoes to kick a soccer ball! It hurt my feet too much to play bare foot,even though I hate to wear shoes! Spend most of my time bare foot around the house. Bobby must be made of stronger stuff than me if he plays bare foot at the beach.

    1. I thought the idea was crazy as well, because to kick a soccer ball barefoot would hurt like heck! They told me the balls they use for beach are lighter and smaller than a regular soccer ball – which makes it possible to kick without getting hurt. I never knew!

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