That’s a Wrap!

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“Goodbye house.  I am going to miss you.  I look forward to seeing you again next year,” Declan said thoughtfully as we closed the front door to the vacation house.  Then he turned and walked down the front steps to the car.


This year for vacation we decided to try something new.  We talked about changing our vacation, and prepared Declan for the change as much as possible.

But some things were misunderstood.  And there is a learning curve when trying anything new.

Thankfully, by day 4 we had worked out a lot of the kinks and we were all really enjoying ourselves.  So much so that Declan wants to do the same vacation, the same way, to the same place, to the same house – again next year!


First thing we learned, just keep Declan cool.  If he wasn’t at the beach, my husband or I would stay with him at the house while the other took the big kids out exploring or to an activity.  The cooler he was, the calmer!  If we did all go out, we kept the trips short.  The other thing we learned – we drove everywhere we went.  After a few darting incidents into traffic, we decided even if we were going 50 feet, we were driving.

I took Cate on a tour to see the areas wild horses.  It was pretty exciting to see wild horses and they were so chill with all the people around them.




We spent lots of time on the beach.  Bobby taught Declan how to body board.


While Cate spent the week collecting seashells by the seashore.


The boys, chillin and chattin.


What cracks me up is how each one of my kids has a different sensory issue with sand.  Declan loves to play and roll around in the dry sand.  Catelyn loves to play with the drippy wet sand.  And Bobby hates sand through and through – so spends his entire time in the water.


We took some time to see giant sand dunes.  That’s Cate up there!




And these two decided the best way down was to roll.

Cate went to the top of the local lighthouse.  Side note – see how her hair is done?  She finally let me do it!  Sensory issue – didn’t like the way having her hair combed felt.  She hasn’t let me touch her head since Kindergarten maybe – so – big step!


Always the picture taker, not in too many shots – but I was there!


Declan was enamored with a toy of sea animals and it turned out to be our carrot.  If he could work to not hit or use mean words for the last 3 days, he could earn his toy.  He did it!  And was so excited to sit right down and play with his new toys.


So, we tried something new, had some major cool developments and had a great time!



13 thoughts on “That’s a Wrap!

  1. Looks like you managed to have a great time in spite of the challenges. I don’t know about you, but if everything went smoothly, I’d be kind of worried that a BIG disaster was about to smoosh us😮😂
    Great pics! I love going on vacation vicariously through a friend’s pictures.💌

  2. Love this post and pictures! And the insight of several sand sensory issues and how each compensates for it! And wild horses on the beach!? Amazing! Glad you were all able to tell the house goodbye for a while!

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