The Getaway

We stood across the driveway in a standoff—me with a frustrated look and hands on my hips.

Bob on the other side with a big smile on his face and a skimboard in his hands. 

And our poor neighbor stood in the middle with a bewildered look on his face.

“I am not going to the emergency room this week.  If you insist on bringing that thing, then when a kid falls and breaks a wrist, YOU are taking them.” I said in a huff.

“You’re being negative.  It’s a beach toy!  We are going to the beach!” Bob said triumphantly, holding it in the air.

“What do you think, Joe?”

Our neighbor opened his eyes wide and looked at the ground, shrugging and smiling, and probably wondering how he found himself in such an awkward position.

“I mean if the kids play with it, just be sure to get a good picture of them when they wipe out.”

“Yeah!” Bob cheered and shoved the skimboard into the back of the car.

Minutes earlier, I had instructed Bob to go to the garage to get a cooler. We were preparing to leave for a week down at the shore. Instead, he came back into the house looking like he just won the lottery, holding the skimboard and cheering.

Also, no cooler.

If you don’t know what a skimboard is, it’s a board you place at the very end of a broken wave as the water recedes back into the ocean.  You toss the board on this last remnant of water, jump on it, and skim across the water’s surface.

Google image of a person skimboarding

I have had the skimboard for years.  I’ve determined that Catelyn is the biggest klutz through those years and should steer clear of all activities involving speed, coordination, and balance.

Bobby, on the other hand, has coordination and balance. But he is also involved in a ton of sports teams and should steer clear of any unnecessary risks.

The cheering was contagious, however.  The skimboard was going on vacation.

This Negative Nelly knows how to plant a seed. Saying, “that’s a broken wrist,” after watching the kids wipe out for a whole afternoon gets internalized. Bob watched a wipeout and gasped on his own concerned accord, “that could have been a broken wrist!”

The skimboard was called in, and a new game was offered.

Score one for me. 😊

Skimboard joking aside, we had a great week down at the shore.

If I wasn’t out running and getting a specialty coffee from a favorite local shop early in the morning, I was opening the beach and relaxing to the sound of the waves.

Me at 7AM ready for another beach day

The older kids brought friends.  When they weren’t playing games or sunning on the beach, they were off on their own.  We rented bikes, gave them mealtimes, and a curfew.

Declan didn’t need to bring a friend to have a good time.  When he was not in the water, he spent his time drying off and perusing the kids in the area.  When he located a group digging in the sand, he joined them.  He made a lot of new friends this week and had a great time. 

Evenings were spent back on the beach to watch the sunset. To listen to the waves, to hang out and play games, or chill.

Board walkin with Cranky Pete

Overall, we had a very relaxing week.  We were all so sad to leave and are already hoping for a day trip back. Sadly, we’ll be going back without a skimboard. It mysteriously got donated for another mother to worry about broken wrists. 😉

28 thoughts on “The Getaway

  1. I read on Jeff’s blog your comment that you were headed out and was very excited for you. I’m so glad it went well, and NO broken wrists!🥳💃🏼🌊🧘🏼‍♀️🌞

    I still haven’t made it to the beach, and I probably waited too long now. I hate the crowds, so I’ve always liked going on cloudy, mid-week days.
    I really have no excuse… it’s a 20 minute drive🤦🏼‍♀️

    1. Thank you! Me too!

      When I was in college I would spend my summers waitressing at the beach. Once I graduated I stayed there for another six months waitressing. I think I might have gone to the beach a couple of times over each summer and less when I lived there longer. It is crazy how being so close, you just don’t go. I always keep that in mind when I or the kids say we want to live at the shore. We probably would never go to the actual beach yet on vacation we live there.

    1. Haha! Your trip was on my mind when I wrote that. I didn’t want my kids to get hurt and the last thing I wanted was to be in the ER with one of the kids friends. And since we are still battling insurance over our last two trips to the ER I didn’t want another dose of that either. When I read your blog posts when I was sitting on the beach I felt so bad for you to find yourself in the situation I was trying so hard to avoid. That is good news about Eli. Hopefully the dose of unlucky will be over soon!

  2. This looked like such a wonderful week away with your family and out in the beach. The photos of your kids on the skimboard and the collage of Declan’s smiles and playing with his new friends brought a big smile on my face.

    I don’t know if you did this intentionally, but your photo at the very top has the word Bob on the left and what looks like Jerk on the right… juxtaposed with your opening anecdote. If that was a subliminal message, very well done! 🤣

    1. Haha! I had to go back and look at what you meant. I see it now! Good catch! That was a random one though. Bob’s serves breakfast and that is an all kinds of jerky store. It’s funny the “Y” got left out! The funnier part is that Bob took that picture too! 🙂 🙂

      1. That’s too funny. I’m always interested in restaurant/store names so I was scanning your photo and noticed it. 🤣 The sunset was also quite beautiful!

  3. It’s all fun and games until someone breaks a wrist… except when breaking a wrist is what you need to do to win the game, then it is STILL fun and games AFTER someone breaks a wrist.

    I’ve written this all down…

  4. Great to see you and the family getting out there again and having a well-deserved break by the sea. It’s a tonic to see kids having fun and playing together again – a welcome dose of normality again! I’d be the same as you worrying about those broken wrists though – it’s a mum’s job to worry! Still, it seems that all went well and here’s to getting back for more fun in the sun soon! 😀

  5. …sorry, Robyn, that last comment was from me, Alli – but it seems my medieval link let me down this time and I’m down as ‘anonymous’! 🙂

  6. Love this post, Robyn!! And glad you were at the beach recently! It’s a great place to be with family! And to Declan, go Navy!!!

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