I had a theory on Zoom. A conspiracy theory, of course. When I thought I had it well thought out, I told Bob.
“Isn’t it weird that the same time the coronavirus sends us to our homes, Zoom was created? Isn’t it possible that Zoom caused the coronavirus so we would all use their product? All the while, Zoom is hacking into our computers and stealing our personal information while we smile and wave at each other on a computer screen like dopes. Zoom is trying to take over the world!”
Bob just shook his head.
“Zoom was already created. There are a lot of video conferencing apps out there. You just didn’t need them before.”
I wasn’t going down quietly.
“Mark my words. Zoom, coronavirus, conspiracy theory, world domination. You heard it here, first.”
74 Zooms.
In the past 67 days, we have done 74 Zooms.
(I’ve got time. I counted).
The kids did Zooms for sports teams and birthdays. I did Zooms for my gym class. Declan, by far, had the busiest schedule with Zooms with his class, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and social skills instruction. In short, we have had a daily Zoom schedule. We have the Zoom app on our computers, and each one of us has it on our phone. We can Zoom anywhere.
Today, I did the final review of the kid’s online schooling. I checked their schoolwork was completed. There are no final grades this year. A string of A’s and B’s turned into a string of P’s. They passed their classes.
If I learned anything in the past weeks about my kids in the online learning world, it is this. My kids are not good independent learners. My kids ARE good at trying to figure every corner they can cut to check the “assignment completed” button. I guess you could say my kids require a lot of adult supervision and redirection when it comes to online learning.
Of course, no one knows what is going to happen in the fall. Will schools be open, or not? Will all children be forced to attend, or will online learning be available for those who have been emotionally affected by the virus? The ones who will have difficulty learning while overcoming their fears?
I’ve wondered how they are going to start the next school year academically, regardless of where learning will take place. Will each grade start where they usually do? Or will they pick up where the previous year left off? I’m sure a lot of learning was lost in these few months.
If learning does continue at home, I heard it was going to be more intense. There will be more expectations. More actual learning, less ability to cut corners. Which is great. I am sure I am not the only person who has kids with this superpower. Maybe they will start having actual classes via Zoom. I am sure they could. And really, how could Zoom achieve world domination without taking over the classroom too? (I’m still on to you, Zoom).
In the meantime, the kids will settle into their summer routine, whatever that is going to look like. I know the big kids have already adapted their sleeping schedule to summer hours. They stay up all night and are in bed until two in the afternoon. There is no reason to wake them. Especially now that school is done.
Now we just sit back and relax on this crazy quarantine ride and see what happens next. What will summer bring?
Right now, summer has brought one song which is a great start:
Schoooooool’s out- for – summer!

What the HELL is Zoom?
It’s a video conferencing app so you can still meet with others. Have you seen the pictures of a computer screen broken up to see a bunch of different faces? I’ll see if I can find one and throw it in at the bottom.
So, Skype for meetings?
What’s Skype? Just kidding 🙂 Yeah, kind of like that.
Here’s another song for you😂
Haha! Good one!
I was forced to use Zoom for proctored online college exams in mid 2019. But I enjoy your theory!!
Thank you!
Here too lots of theories about Zoom abound because it is a Chinese app! 😅
Uh-oh! I didn’t know that! Hope I don’t get in trouble 🙂
I am sure you won’t! 🙂
That is a lot of Zoom meetings! And I think you may onto something with your theory. 😉 Congrats on surviving the school year and all those meetings – and hope you can all enjoy a fun and Zoom free summer!!!
Haha! Thanks! There were 1-3 Zoom meetings on the calendar on most days. It was crazy! I guess it was a good bit of socialization for Declan, and I was always happy to see the people in my gym class. But it was a lot! Thank you! You too!
God I hope they’re back in the classroom. I have a hard time believing Eli is getting half as much out of school as he was before. Plus there’s the social aspect. They spend too much time alone on devices anyway, school on a computer is more alone time. I just got word today that a mountain biking season starting on July 1 looks likely. I guess I better get busy with my education.
I agree. I don’t think my kids learned much at all. I can’t imagine how far they are going to be behind if they push back again. That is good news! We haven’t heard anything yet for our teams, but hopefully we will be close behind!
My adult son said at one of our early family zooms something like “I just can’t believe how much of our privacy we are giving away.” You might be right with your conspiracy. Made me laugh.
Finally! Someone gets me! Haha….that’s great. I am glad I am not alone 🙂
We both have the official Alice schools out T-shirt’s. They are getting well used these days. I just can’t see how schools can operate as they did. Change will be needed. More Zoom. Just what the zoom evil overlords want. So with you on this. I remember Skynet and Terminator.
Yes! Terminator is a great example. We are falling into Zoom’s evil plan! 🙂
You know they are watching when Mark Zuckerberg is covering his cam and mic with a Post-it note…
Zoom will at least me a remote overlord. One hopes this means the Rebellion will have time to muster enough forces to fight back against the Zoomy Evil.
Haha! Yes!