I just wanted a phone for the kitchen. When we moved into our house many years ago there was a wall mounted corded phone. We kept it, for about a month and then replaced it with a cordless phone with caller ID. When that phone broke, we replaced it with a cheaper version. I guess the cheaper you go, the easier they break because we’ve been through a fair share of wireless phones for the kitchen.
Why even keep a landline these days, right? Well, we do for two reasons. One, Bob works for the cable company, so we get it for free. Two, it’s the line my mom prefers to call. Yes, I could tell her to call my cell, but hey, see reason one.
So, fed up with the wireless phone in our kitchen not sitting right, not working right, wires everywhere, I went back to old faithful.
The wall mounted corded phone.
No caller ID isn’t really a problem for two reasons. One, the virtual answering machine picks up after two rings, and since I haven’t figured out how to change that, I’ve never gotten to the phone in time to even see who was calling let alone answer the phone anyway. Two, I already know that most likely it’s my mom.
There are downfalls of course to the wall mounted corded phone. One call to the insurance company to dispute a bill began with an 18-minute wait time to speak to a representative. 18 minutes standing at the kitchen table. All appointments are scheduled standing at the kitchen table. Awkward, but doable.
In general, though, the phone meets my needs. It alerts me that someone is trying to reach me or sell me something, so check the voicemail.
What I didn’t expect with our new wall mounted corded phone was the excitement one little girl would possess over such an item.
Giddy when she saw the phone, Catelyn picked up the receiver and put it to her ear. She twirled the wire around her finger. She giggled with her pretend girlfriend on the other end of the line. She entwined her body in the wire and yelled, “OMG! I know, right?!”
Catelyn saw the phone and acted out every scene she had ever seen involving a wall mounted corded phone. Which fits. Catelyn is my little character.
One of the fun things about Catelyn is that she creates characters. Then she goes into character. Joanne the secretary, the gossipy girlfriend, Sofifa the Russian spy. They all have their own accents, mannerisms and hilarious dialogue. She stays in character and will have you rolling with her witty conversation. She is very clever.
This gift of hers makes sense when I think about it. Declan scripts YouTube videos. Half the time I have no idea what he’s saying or what his scene is from. Catelyn scripts social traits and can combine them into a character she has created on her own. She has keen eye on the details that make a character whole. Always has:

Due to the problems Catelyn has had in social situations, she took to mimicking or social scripting. She’s good at being an actress. This isn’t uncommon. Famous actors diagnosed with Asperger’s, actors like Dan Akroyd and Darryl Hannah have both reported their problems in social situations. Both also enjoy acting – being someone else in a role.
With this gift, we’ve always encouraged Catelyn in the direction of theater. She’s done her share of workshops and classes. Catelyn enjoys performing in our church plays. She does well too! But when it comes to school plays, Catelyn has always hesitated, stating she doesn’t want to look stupid.
I am hopeful that we can encourage Catelyn to pursue her acting. That the tween concern of “looking stupid” doesn’t take too great a hold on her. Because she has an amazing gift and a lot of talent to share with others.
It’s always fun to see the things that capture our child’s imagination and how they just run with it. 🙂
I agree 🙂
Finding stuff our kids are good at is easy, as is finding stuff that makes them smile. Finding stuff that they will do outside the confines of the house is not so easy. I so hope C finds the Happiness and Confidence which goes with all three.
Thank you! Me too. She is so funny and does such a great job – hate to see confidence hold her back.
I love everything about this!
Thank you so much!
Aww, hahaha. I just love daughter energy and…unpredictability! 😂😂
I agree 🙂 Oh my gosh, so funny!
The best part about the corded phone is after the phone call, when you hold it by the cord and let the phone spin around crazily…
That is fun! I’ll have to teach her that one!
Sign, I miss corded phones. When the phone rings I run room to room looking for the cordless and miss picking up. And it’s always my dad. He’s the only one who calls that phone. $10 per month. I think it’s worth it. Outgoing calls are so much clearer on the “landline”.
Exactly! I hate calling on my cell for the “What?…What?” thing. Landlines are so much better for that reason.
Oh my god! Your daughter is incredible! She must be so funny to be around…I can’t imagine! Hahaha, just the mental imagery of the thing with the phone was hilarious. And the photo as the other character makes it easy to imagine. She has a real gift.
I was going to comment before you mentioned it, that she absolutely has potential as an actress! That’s great that you’re encouraging opportunities for theatre stuff. Interestingly I always used to act out roles at home, but nowhere near that level of…something. I definitely enjoy the feeling of acting as somebody else, I’ve made a lot of people laugh at times with it 😄.
Actually— have you seen the TV show Community? There’s a male character in it who is kind of like your daughter in that they are autistic and have a mental database of TV/film characters and is obsessed with how plotlines etc. work. They also act them out sometimes.
Oh cool! I’ll have to check it out!
Yeah do! 🙂 it’s one of the best shows I’ve seen, and the funniest. It’s funny and clever, your daughter would surely love it too :).
Thank you so much! Yeah, she’s a real hoot. She cracks me up with some of the things she says and acts out. I really hope she continues to grow as an actress. She has real talent!
Hahaha, I can only imagine how much you must be laughing. My little brother used to do that a lot, too. He was 12 years younger, and had a great and witty sense of humour, advanced for his age.
Yeah, good luck to her! Her skills come across even in still photos! Lol.
You are a blessing to your kids, I can imagine the scenes at your place from your words. Your baby is awesome, God bless her❤❤❤.
Thank you so much!