water color palette on white case

What Wonders Await!

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I walked into the house being dragged by Molly, who was still on her leash, into the kitchen.

She knew the routine.  A good dog on a walk gets a treat.

“Here you go,” I said to her as I tossed her a milk bone and undid her leash.

I turned around and looked to the other side of the kitchen.  There was a glue gun, Elmer’s glue, cardboard, toothpaste, and an extremely focused Declan crouched over a project in the corner.

“Declan, where’s your dad?” I wondered out loud at the sight of Declan’s complicated project.

“Downstairs watching TV.”

“What are you doing?”

“I’m making a Gleazer 2000.”

“…….What is that?”

“It’s my invention so that I can take over the WOOOOOORRRRRLLLLD!”

(Declan is currently reading Wedgie and Gizmo, a chapter book.  He has taken a keen interest in Gizmo, a guinea pig which is an evil genius and is working to achieve world domination.)

“You know you are not supposed to use the glue gun without an adult.”


I reintroduced Bob with Declan, grabbed Catelyn, and headed to the store.

When I returned home again, I took a bag of groceries to the garage.  When I came back into the house, I noticed a significant art box was missing.

“Bob, where’s Declan and his art box?”

“Declan is upstairs.  I don’t know where his art box is.”

“It’s with him.  What is he doing with his art box in our room?”

We stared at each other with widening eyes, realizing ALL that he could be doing with an art box, then ran up the stairs.

Declan sat on his bed with a phone in one hand and a black marker in the other.

“My white blanket was too white.  It needed some decoration.”

I guess I stopped him before he could finish all their names.

(Enter infatuation #2: Cartoon Network cartoons, specifically the show “Ed, Edd, n Eddy.” A show he had never watched until it was brought to his attention via YouTube.”)

I took the black marker and art box back downstairs and got my Christmas on by baking cookies with Catelyn.

We decided to make spritz, using all the colors, toppings, and shapes.  We let our creative juices flow.  Cookies were enjoyed by all last night.

This morning, after one kid went to school, and the other kids “went” to school, I grabbed my umbrella and headed out for my walk.

Since it was raining, I decided to leave the dogs at home.  Penny seems to feel she is deathly allergic to water, and Molly is too challenging to manage while managing an umbrella as well.

When I came home, there was an empty plate of cookies and a guilty looking dog.

“I can explain…”

Goodbye, homemade Christmas cookies.  Another victim to the never-ending hunger of a Labrador.  The thief of all food laying on a counter or table unattended.

We liken Molly to Jabba the Hut.  Can’t you hear her say, “Bolkubok-u-chala.  Ho ho ho ho,” when she sits like this?

Ho ho ho ho…

On the other hand, we have our George Burns alpha dog, who likes to walk around with a treat in her mouth to taunt Molly all day, teaching her about restraint.

Leaving the house has turned into a dangerous activity.  Not my journeys in the world, staying safe from the coronavirus – more of what wonders will be waiting for me when I return safely to my home!

19 thoughts on “What Wonders Await!

  1. Hmmm, Wedgie and Gizmo sounds suspiciously like Pinky and the Brain. You’ve just given me more ammo for my campaign against getting a dog. Thanks

    1. They do! I agree! I never actually watched that show, but whenever Declan says Gizmo’s “take over the world” sentence, I hear it in the Pinky and the Brain voice.

  2. Molly and Zeus need to go to the dog park together while we sip on coffee or tea! Two of a kind!🙄🤦🏼‍♀️😂

    And I’d assign Bob some extra chores, he’d enjoy the time-out chair, for not keeping a closer eye in Declan. 🙄 Daughter is the same. “I thought you were watching him” or “he was there a minute ago”🤦🏼‍♀️

    Your cookies were pretty, at least you got a picture 😂 I hope that was washable marker. I’ve finally, hopefully, gotten Ben to quit going after my sharpies, and grabbing his own WASHABLE markers. And hot glue gun…yikes😱

    Yeah… coming home is scary. Kinda makes ya wanna just keep driving sometimes😉💞🌞

    1. Oh, that would be great! Let the moron dogs get the moron out 🙂

      I know, right?! Yes, he is older but still filled with all these ideas he wants to bring to real life. When I am here he never leaves my side. If he does he is just one room away so I always know what he is into. I guess he doesn’t do that with everybody.

      Thank you! I don’t eat sugar, but they did look good. I remember how much I enjoyed eating those as a kid. The sharpies, my goodness. I hid everyone I could find. And then didn’t the art teacher send one home in the art packet when they were doing online school from home. Who gives a third grader a sharpie?!?! I hid that thing right away. I do know the bed marker was a crayola marker, but I am not sure if it was a washable one or not. Time will tell on that front! 🙂

  3. You seem to exercise a lot of restraint with Declan writing on your sheet. I would’ve flipped my lid! Hahaha. But yah, the dangers of leaving glue gun and art supplies with your little one. They’ll create art where you least want them to! 🤣

    George Buns is so adorable. And looks very satisfied with his treat!

    11 more days till Christmas. Declan must be soooo excited!

    1. I had three things on my mind that saved me from going crazy when I saw the black marker on his bedspread: 1. Fingers crossed this is a washable marker. 2. Technically it is a duvet in need of a cover 3. If not, I can always flip it over 🙂 Thank goodness for plan A, B, and C! Saved us all 🙂 He will too! Create and create and create whatever is on his mind and whatever he can get his hands on!

      Thank you! She cracks me up with that. Just walking around with the bone hanging out of her mouth like it is an unlit cigar. I swear it is just to tease Molly too.

      Right around the corner! I can’t believe how fast Christmas came this year!

  4. I would have given Bob a time out!!

    I love “George Burns” doggy! Has he taught that smoking the cigar is when you’re supposed to laugh?? (till I started work last week, I watched Burns & Allen reruns almost every “night”)

    1. I know, right?! Thank you! I definitely laugh when I see her just sit there with this treat in her mouth. Just eat it! But she doesn’t, and I just laugh 🙂

  5. My mom had an argument with my grandfather when she was a teenager. She painted an entire wall of her room with oil paints. It was a desert-scape.

    1. I have fears that something similar will happen here. And since I share a room with him, I’m going to have to look at it all the time.

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