WWW Wednesday 10-October-2018

It’s been about a month since my last WWW Wednesday so before another one passes, I’d like to catch up with one of my favorite past times.


The Three W’s for WWW Wednesday are:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

What are you currently reading?

220px-Pachinko_paperback_coverRight now I am reading Pachinko by, Min Jim Lee.  I am completely loving this story and am excited to get back to reading it.

From Goodreads: Pachinko follows one Korean family through the generations, beginning in early 1900s Korea with Sunja, the prized daughter of a poor yet proud family, whose unplanned pregnancy threatens to shame them all. Deserted by her lover, Sunja is saved when a young tubercular minister offers to marry and bring her to Japan.

So begins a sweeping saga of an exceptional family in exile from its homeland and caught in the indifferent arc of history. Through desperate struggles and hard-won triumphs, its members are bound together by deep roots as they face enduring questions of faith, family, and identity.

What did you recently finish reading?




The last book I read was Less by Andrew Sean Greer.  I liked the book.  I thought it was enjoyable and funny at times – but honestly – I am completely baffled as to how this book won a Pulitzer Prize.  I mean it is a good book – but it wasn’t that good.







Before Less, I read To Rise Again at a Decent Hour by Joshua Ferris.  There were parts of the book that were laugh out loud funny.  The main character was a mental mess – and completely hilarious about it at times.

But then someone takes on his identity online and I felt the book got weighed down and I found myself skipping these long religious genealogy blurbs that made little sense and seemed irrelevant.

Overall, I liked the book.  The main character was enjoyable and left me with a smile.





Before that I read Mudbound by Hillary Jordan.  I thoroughly enjoyed this book.  It is the story of two families – one black one white – in the 1940’s.  Each family has a son return to them from the war, yet there is still no respect for the black man in the deep south, where the story is set.

From Goodreads: “The men and women of each family relate their versions of events and we are drawn into their lives as they become players in a tragedy on the grandest scale. As Kingsolver says of Hillary Jordan, “Her characters walked straight out of 1940s Mississippi and into the part of my brain where sympathy and anger and love reside, leaving my heart racing. They are with me still.”



What do you think you’ll read next?



GUEST_1ba4395e-92d2-479f-be0e-e3c7c5ab1a77I am not exactly sure what I am going to read next.  I am thinking I will read World War Z by Max Brooks.  I really enjoy a post apocalyptic zombie story, and it’s been a while since I jumped into one.  Seems like a good time!





Thank you Sam at Taking on a World of Words for  WWW Wednesday – I really enjoy to share and to read what others are reading!

15 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday 10-October-2018

    1. Mine has been sitting there for a while too – and when I was thinking about my next one, I thought – it’s time, Z! 🙂 Thanks! I’ll check it out!

  1. I loved Mudbound, and also enjoyed a movie based on the book, now on Netflix.

    It is disappointing when some books are going along nicely…and then take a turn into disappointment, like a couple of your reads.

    Hopefully the week ahead will be great. Thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.

    1. I have one of those rules where I don’t see the movie of something I read – I always get upset! Crazy Rich Asians was just reviewed by a movie blogger I like and I thought I might break my mental rule for the first time 🙂 If I do (and I celebrate my new movie freedom) I will check it out on Netflix – it was so good! Thanks for the heads up!! 🙂

  2. Great group of award winners on your WWW. I’m a bit upset that I haven’t read “Pachinko” yet. I keep looking at how long it is and straying away from it, though I’ve heard from everyone how good it is. Definitely read “World War Z”. Zombies are actually not something I normally read about, but this book was hauntingly clever on so many levels. Hope you enjoy your reads! Here is my WWW post if interested: https://greatmorrisonmigration.wordpress.com/2018/10/10/www-wednesdays-october-10-2018/

    1. Oh good! I am glad to hear good things about Z – I am looking forward gto it. I thought the length was going to deter me from Pachinko as well – so I skipped it my last two books. Finally settled into it – and it is written so well, the story is so good that the book just flows. It is going really fast! I would recommend it (so far) despite of it’s length. I’ll check yours out! Thanks 🙂

    1. Less is a good book. Fun story, Arthur Less is a fun character, plenty of laughable moments – I just wondered why it was given such a big award. When I checked on Goodreads it looked like you LOVED this book or were like me – yeah it’s good, but why the big award? Definitely worth a good read, though. Thanks, I’ll check yours out!

  3. When I read World War Z it scared the hell out of me. Great book but for about a month after finishing it, I had to try and sleep with the bedroom light on. Plus I let the puppy sleep on the bed. Looking back not sure what defence our puppy would have offered against a Zombie attack.

  4. Took a break from the book I was reading on category theory to read Robbie Yates’ “Danny Daniels and the World’s Worst Zoo”… mostly because I’ve been following his blog for a while. The book was for older children but it was definitely well-written and fun. I’m sure I didn’t gain any street-cred reading it on the subway.

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