WWW Wednesday, September 25, 2019

After it gets dark, while we wait for all the sports practices to end, we huddle in the car.  Declan on my phone and I with my book.  Here’s what I have read since my last WWW Wednesday post.

The Three W’s for WWW Wednesday are:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

What are you currently reading?


33830437._SY475_[1]Right now, I am reading Far From the Tree by Robin Benway.  I am really enjoying this story which is about three teenagers who all have the same birth mother.  The two girls were adopted to separate families immediately following their birth.  The boy remained in the foster care system for seventeen years.  Reading their thoughts on being adopted, meeting each other and deciding on whether or not to search for their birth mom – all from their different perspectives and experiences is really making for a good read.  Stay tuned!


What did you recently finish reading?


Before that I read The Perfecet Mother by Aimee Molloy.  This one turned out to be different than what I expected.  It is a mystery/thriller book, but for a while I didn’t find it very thrilling.  I thought the “hooks” to make the reader bite their nails in expectation were a little juvenille.  I was prepared to give this book a 2 out of 5 stars until I got to the end, caught the “woah” and gave the book 3 out of 5 stars.  So, I liked it.





Before that I read the play, Proof by David Auburn.  I really liked this one.  Granted I think actors performing the play on stage would really give the words so much more, but the words got me all alone.  I felt the drama, the frustration, the wonder and the suspense in this.  Very enjoyable, and if you are into plays, I would recommend this one.






I was prepared to read the drama of Proof after reading the hilarity of Augusten Burroughs in his book, Lust and Wonder.  I’m not sure how many other books of his I have read, but I know there have been a few.  Each is as fun as the next.  So if you have read Burroughs before, you know what you are getting into and this one does not disappoint.





When I first started Simon vs. The Homo Sapiens Agenda, a YA book by Becky Albertalli I was a little underwhelmed.  I felt like it was a storyline I had read before that was told better.  This book did end up having its differences and I did end up enjoying the book.



What do you think you’ll read next?

A Darker Shade final for Irene

I have two I am vacillating over in wonder as to what to read next.  On one side I have A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab or In The Shadow of the Banyan by Vaddey Ratner.  I had picked up A Darker Shade of Magic once before, but was turned off with all the different names and names of places while reading the excerpt on the back.  I have a hard time remembering names in real life, but it seems like, if I can sort all the names and places out, the book will be enjoyable.  13057939[1]But if I am just not up for the name challenge, then I will probably just read In the Shadow of the Banyan.  We’ll see!

Until next time!

Thank you, Sam for hosting WWW Wednesday!


34 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday, September 25, 2019

    1. He just has this energy that comes through in his writing – and even if he is writing about something bad, it’s still filled with humor. Like someone else I know 🙂

    1. I think it was from WWW Wednesday that I got turned onto the book. It sounded really good and seems to be well liked. I just gotta get into it – I’m sure I’ll like it!

  1. I found it eye-opening to hear your three star review was a good review. When I get three stars, I’m devastated. Maybe I need to reconsider. Such a thin skinned writer… 4 & 5 stars = good review; 3, 2 &1 stars = body-slam.

    The only Augusten Burroughs book I read was running with scissors. I resisted it for years (I don’t know why). Then I loved it and it was instrumental in encouraging me to compile my own memoir. Now I find myself resisting his work again… still don’t know why. Lust & Wonder is now on my reading list. Thanks.

    1. Oh, wow – yeah. So 1 star to me = hated it, 2 = didn’t really like it, 3 = liked it, 4 = REALLY liked it and 5 = loved it, would read it again and think about it always. Really tough for me to give a five star review. Curiosity killed the cat – I just checked Goodreads and found the last time I gave a five star review was July 11, 2017 for A Man Called Ove. Ove was such a great character. The next closest – 4.75 for The Animators on May 15, 2018. I LOVED this book but it had two little details that bothered me. I may be tough, I guess, because I would totally read The Animators again.

      I read Running with Scissors too. I liked that one. I also read Dry. This one is a lot about his relationships and a lot about his sobriety. All with his little quips that make you laugh. Hope you like it!

      1. No, Dry is the one I read. Maybe once I picked up running with scissors and didn’t like it. That might be where my hesitancy comes from. That sound familiar

  2. I’m working my way through Dark Age by Pierce Brown. It’s the 2nd book of his 2nd trilogy or actually book 5 of a continuing story. I love these books.

    I’ve got Circe by Madeline Miller, Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik and Gods Of Jade And Sorrow by Silvia Moreno-Garcia in my TBR pile. I haven’t decided what comes next.

    1. That’s awesome! I know what you mean – the two that I am deciding over are actually just the two on the very top of a pile 🙂

  3. I would go for Shadow of the Banyan, it sounds like a good one. I completely understand your reservations though, I have the same problems remembering names and stories with too many names can be a bit confusing at first.

    1. Yes! I hate it when I have to keep flipping back asking, “Wait, WHO’S this guy again?” Really takes away from the story.

  4. I tried reading Simon and the Homo Sapiens Agenda at one point but I don’t think I was in the right mood for it and I didn’t get very far. I should pick it up again next time I’m in a contemporary mood.

    I’ve never read Proof but I did see it performed last year and it is a very powerful play.

    1. Maybe it is the beginning of the book that is so *yawn* worthy because I was ready to put it down too. It turned out to be okay when I was done.
      Oh wow, I bet. I would love to see it performed!

  5. I feel the same way about A Darker Shade of Magic. I got in a couple of chapters and I was so confused at the time, I had to put it down. I am hoping I’ll be in the mood to try it again one of these days! Happy reading!

    1. I am glad to know it’s not just me! I was getting all wince-y faced just reading the back. I had a lot of hesitation trying to get into the book AND understand who everyone was and where they were at. I’ll buckle down eventually and try again. Happy reading!

      1. Yes! It was so confusing and overwhelming for me; I don’t remember if I made through the first chapter during my one and only attempt to read it! I hope I can get into it though; everyone seems to absolutely love it! Happy reading to you too!

  6. A very interesting and varied collection here, Robyn. There are a good few new ones to me among them. I wish I had more time to read books like this, but I’m afraid I’m getting stuck into a Scottish Medieval History book now in preparation for my next course module which starts next week. Mind you, there are some fantastic stories in this book though – and they’re true! 🙂

    1. I remember having to put my “for fun” reading away when I was in school. I’m glad you get to read some fantastic stories! Makes learning more enjoyable 🙂

      1. It certainly does make learning more enjoyable, and I guess I’m studying medieval history exactly because it has so many fantastic stories! There are times when my ‘for fun’ list is the same as my study material! I’m looking forward to being able to read other stuff too though – eventually! 🙂

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